Ain’t Nothing Like the Real Thing

Ain’t Nothing like the Real Thing

Missionary Felicia Burrus


Matthew 5:6 – Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness; for they shall be filled.

John 4:14 – But whosoever drinketh of the water that I shall give him shall never thirst; but the water that I shall give him shall be in him a well of water springing up into everlasting life.


After a long walk or jog, brisk exercise, or just being out and about in the warm weather, you can become thirsty.  When you are really thirsty, there is only one thing that will quench it.  You can try orange juice, soda, Gatorade, coffee, tea, or Kool-Aid.  And even after drinking all that, you still are thirsty and realize the one and only true thirst quencher is WATER.  It’s the real thing.

Water in the natural, satisfies and sustains us.  It’s life-saving, reviving, and renewing.  The Bible speaks of a Living Water.  That Living Water is Jesus Christ.  He is also life-saving, reviving, and renewing.  He is the real thing.  Many people try to quench a spiritual thirst with money, clothes, a job, or even a spouse.  But those things are temporary and may satisfy the craving or thirst for a little while. Only a drink of Living Water can permanently satisfy your spiritual thirst.  John 7:37-38 declares, “In the last day, that great day of the feast, Jesus stood and cried, saying, If any man thirst, let him come unto me, and drink.  He that believeth on me, as the scripture hath said, out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water.” 

To remain in good health, it is suggested that we drink 64 ounces of water a day.  Water is needed to flush impurities from our bodies.  It is essential to promote healthy skin and nails and to maintain proper bodily functions.  Just as natural water is good for our bodies, so is the Living Water.  When we have the right amount of Christ, we can be cleansed from all toxins and sins that are within us.  The Living Water will wash away any impurities in your life.  Having Jesus on the inside, just like natural water, makes the outside look a whole lot better. 

Water needs no directions.  When it is consumed, it knows where to go and what to do.  You don’t drink it and tell it what body parts to nourish.  With Jesus as our Living Water, He too needs no directions.  When He is consumed, He knows right where to go: He knows where we hurt, where we are broken, and where we need Him to be.  He doesn’t need direction but He does need permission.  In order for the natural water to work, it must be swallowed.  You must open your mouth and let it in.  The Living Water is the same, until you accept Jesus Christ and let Him come in, He cannot help you.  A man who does not bend down to drink will die of thirst in the middle of a river.  You have to want the water.  You can spend every day of your life in church but until you let the Living Water in, it does you no good.

We must be careful not to thirst after the things of the world.  We must seek the Living Water that will quench every spiritual thirst we may have or could imagine.  We must be as a deer and pant for it.  We must chase after it.  Only righteousness will fill us and cease the longings and cravings.  We must let the Living Water come in and do what only He can do.  Only then can we reap the benefits of having the real thing in our lives.