The Most Wonderful Time of the Year


The Most Wonderful Time of the Year!


It's the most wonderful time of the year

With the kids jingle belling

And everyone telling you be of good cheer

It's the most wonderful time of the year


It's the hap-happiest season of all

With those holiday greetings and gay happy meetings

When friends come to call

It's the hap-happiest season of all


Most of you are probably familiar with this Christmas song made famous by the late Andy Williams.  And, if you’ve read any of my articles this time of year, you know I am fanatic about Christmas. My car radio is already programmed to Christmas music stations, we have four trees up in our home (and counting), and we’re starting Christmas play rehearsal at church.  I always say this is the time for the saints.


This is the time of the year when, for the most part, people appear to be more polite.  Often nations at war will declare an armistice for a brief period.  Businesses are thriving and families get together.


I look forward to buying nice gifts for my wife, family and friends.  Perhaps it’s my imagination, but I sense excitement and anticipation in the air.  There are all sorts of special foods and treats in the stores, and children can be bribed to be on their best behavior.


However, I hold to the fact that the birth of our Savior makes this time of year special.  Just think of how awesome our God is.  When other people’s gods tell them to kill other people (and martyr themselves), our God tells us to live because He died for us.  When other gods tell their followers to sacrifice their innocent children, our God gave His only begotten Son for everyone.


I want to encourage you to celebrate the miraculous birth of Jesus Christ.  Yes, He was born of a virgin and laid in a manger because they wouldn’t make room for Him.  Yes, He was born of poor, overlooked people and grew up in what was probably a bad part of town (“…can any good thing come out of Nazareth?”). We ought to celebrate the fact that although he tried, the enemy, through Herod, could not stop his birth.


To me, the story of Christmas is wonderful and should be shared with the world.  “And she shall bring forth a son, and thou shalt call his name Jesus: for he shall save his people from their sins” (Matthew 1:21).  My friends, we have a reason to praise and magnify our God.  We have a testimony that no other faith claims.  Let me encourage you to make this year the greatest Christmas ever.  Let’s give Mr. Williams’ song true meaning.


From Mrs. Pruitte, the Pruitte family and all of Holiness Tabernacle… MERRY CHRISTMAS!


Elder Eddie B Pruitte, Jr.

Pastor and Founder, Holiness Tabernacle COGIC