Here Comes Another Giant

Here Comes Another Giant!

Psalm 34:19 – Many are the afflictions of the righteous: but the Lord delivereth him out of them all.

James 1:2-3 – My brethren, count it all joy when ye fall into divers temptations;

Knowing this, that the trying of your faith worketh patience.


Welcome to 2018!  For some, you are happy to see 2017 go.  To others, last year was awesome and you’re sad to see the calendar change.  I want to suggest you do as the Apostle Paul recommended – “…forgetting those things which are behind, and press…”.  The reason being, life continues and there’s going to be another giant facing us soon.

Recently, during a conversation with a close friend, he informed me that he had attended funerals in six consecutive weekends.  As the Lord would have it, the last time I saw him was two weeks after we’d had that conversation – we were attending another homegoing service.  I began to pray for him and others who had been affected by such a string of deaths.  It appears as time progresses, I experience an increasing number of challenges.  Some are good, and some are bad, but they keep coming.

In 2017, maybe you noticed the never-ending news cycles.  From shootings (in churches, Las Vegas, unarmed men of color), to sexual harassment accusations.  From resignations from individuals we looked up to and admired, to investigations into our government and the near election to the United States Senate of an accused pedophile.

There was good news as well.  In our local congregation we saw growth numerically in our congregation, and we took great strides forward spiritually.  We had a marriage, an engagement, a birth and an awesome revival.  It was a year in which we saw highs and lows.  As I was pondering these events a few days before the new year arrived, the Lord reminded me of King David.

We are all familiar with David’s battle against Goliath.  Not only was he a giant, but he was a champion and an accomplished warrior.  However, David had other battles.  I Samuel 17 provides the story of David meeting Goliath’s challenge and defeating the nine-foot-tall behemoth in the valley of Elah.  However, are you aware David and Israel had battles with at least four other giants?  In II Samuel 21:15-22, the Word of the Lord tells us that David and his warriors had confrontations with Ishbi-Benob, Saph, Goliath’s brother and a giant who had six fingers and six toes.

In the scriptures listed above, the Word of the Lord tells us we should expect numerous trials and challenges.  In fact, according to James, we should count it all joy because the trials are working a greater good in us.

As we enter into this new year – be encouraged.  When David first faced Goliath, he rejected King Saul’s armour (have you ever wondered why Saul wasn’t using his own equipment, but wanted David to?) and selected five smooth stones.  He only used one of those stones to kill Goliath.  What did he do with the other four?  You already know.  Whatever you are facing, God has already given you enough to defeat it.  Giants are going to keep coming, but with the help of the Lord, we’ll defeat them all!