The Joy of the Lord is Our Strength!

The Joy Of The Lord is Our Strength

By Minister C. Randolph


Recently, I was witnessing to an individual and explaining the awesomeness of living a life in GOD.  One of the questions they had for me was how should a Christian live?  As I began to explain various scriptures pertaining to how to live righteously in Christ, they become sad.  Their disposition turned to sadness because they realized how merciful GOD had been to them, even as they admitted to being a sinner.  They also explained how they could not fathom GOD forgiving them for the sins they had committed in their life.   


As we continued to talk I was reminded of Nehemiah chapter 8.  The Israelites were gathered together to hear the Word of the LORD.  As Ezra read the Law of Moses and it was explained by the priest, the congregation began weeping and mourning (verse 9).  Even though we understand GOD can forgive us, we can struggle with forgiving ourselves.  I remembered when I first gave my life to GOD I felt guilty.  I was ashamed that I waited so long to come to Christ when I knew the Word, having been raised in church.  The Israelites looked over their life and wept because they realized how the disobeyed GOD’s law and they felt guilty.  But Ezra encouraged the people to stop feeling grieved.  GOD is not like man. Man will hold grudges, and maybe forgive but not forget.  Once the people repented and asked GOD for forgiveness, GOD restored them.  Ezra told the people to rejoice by eating, sharing with people less fortunate, and stop being sorry because the joy of GOD was their strength (verse 10). 


I explained to the individual that if they sincerely confessed all their sins GOD, HE would forgive all of them (1 John 1:9).  One of the key words in that scripture is the word “all.”  There is nothing GOD cannot save, heal, or deliver you from.  Once you confess it to HIM and HE forgives you, there is such a joy in knowing you are brand new in GOD.  2 Corinthians 5:17 states, Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.”  If GOD has passed it away or the old life is gone, there is absolutely no reason we cannot forgive ourselves.  A new life in GOD has begun so there is no need to continue to be sad about past transgressions.  Instead, we should be grateful in our new walk with GOD and where HE is taking our lives. 


So this month I encourage you to stop crying over the things that GOD has already forgotten about.  If you have repented and asked for forgiveness, then HE is faithful and just to forgive you.  Rejoice because HIS mercy is everlasting or never ending.  Knowing this, you can find strength in HIS compassion and faithfulness, because the joy of the LORD is our strength!