Graduation Time!

The following articles were written by two students who have successfully graduated from one grade to the next! We are godly proud of our youth and pray God’s continued success and blessings over their lives and academic pursuits.


I Have Graduated!

By Dakota L. DeLardge


I have graduated from Sonie Penn Elementary. It has been a journey. Penn has been a fun school to go to. I graduated on June 6, 2018 and I feel like I’m one step closer to my dream job of becoming an obstetrician.

Next is middle school.  I don’t know what middle school is like, but I’m looking forward to it.  This is what I hope middle school is like for me: fun, “lit”, and full of opportunities and respect. Also, I want to graduate middle school and not be a school dropout. I want to succeed and not fail. So please keep me in your prayers. Thank you!



My Fifth Grade Graduation

By Alexander Miller


My fifth-grade graduation was the second, and so, far the best graduation I have had. My graduation took a while to prepare for. We had to work on songs in a group and combine them all into one song, practice how to sing the song along with the music, and practice who’s going to say what and when we are going to sit and stand.

After preparing, we put the chairs in the cafeteria and practiced with the chairs and we did the songs a couple of times as well. The first couple of times we had to practice how we are going to walk into the promotion ceremony and how we were going to sit down. It took us a couple of tries to get it down.

After few days passed, we were doing our last “promotion practice” for this year, which was the actual day of my promotion, but it was still also a regular school day. Earlier, before the promotion started, I was feeling a little nervous when I got to my homeroom because I thought that I didn’t really know much of the words to the songs (because truthfully, I hadn’t really studied them), so I had a little chat with my friends while going over the lyrics and I realized that I knew more than I thought.

During my promotion ceremony my principal Mr. Jacks gave a message about being yourself, or as he like to say it, “Be You”.  He said that, “only you can control what you do and when, so you are in control of yourself not your neighbor, or your friend, or family members. You are in control of yourself.

It took a lot of time and hard work to get through the school year and to graduate, and I know that in middle school it’s going to be harder, but I am up for the challenge. I am very happy that I was able to go to and be promoted from Ashland Elementary