I Was Build for This!


I Was Built for This!

Genesis 49:14-15

Issachar is a strong ass couching down between two burdens:

15 And he saw that rest was good, and the land that it was pleasant; and bowed his shoulder to bear, and became a servant unto tribute.


I shared this message a few weeks ago here at Holiness Tabernacle and later with one of our “sister” churches during a fellowship service.  The people of the Lord told me they were encouraged so I thought you may get something out of this as well.


It is no secret that I am heavily involved in our denomination.  I pastor a thriving local congregation that is active in our local community.  Within our local Church I serve in the choir, Purity Class President, Marriage Ministry Co-President, World Missions worker, member of the Men’s Department, prayer warrior and intercessor, member of our Public Relations staff, member of the Executive Staff and member of the Board of Directors.  I serve as the Assistant Superintendent in the Great Northern District.  In our jurisdiction I wear many hats as well.  I serve as the Chairman of the Ways & Means Committee; vice-chairman of the Program Committee, and member of our bishop’s Executive Staff.  In our National Church I serve on the General Assembly’s Manual Review Committee and was appointed to serve on the Presiding Bishop’s Community Development Board.


I haven’t mentioned that I am a husband, father our four, grandfather of three, a son, son-in-law, a brother, brother-in-law.  My wife and I provide pre-marital coaching and marital intervention coaching as well.  L stay quite active and there are times I feel the load of ministry.


I am not alone.  Many of you are leading families, working careers, committed to ministry.  Some of you are in school, married, serving your communities, assisting aging parents, and the list goes on.  Do you ever feel as though the load is so heavy that you’ll break under the pressures of life?  Now add to that the attacks of the enemy that are meant to take you out.  I have a word for you:  you were built for this!


In the text, Jacob is addressing his sons for the last time.  He tells Reuben, the oldest, that his betrayal with his father’s concubine was bad and it would haunt him.  Jacob went on to tell the next oldest sons (Levi and Simeon) that their tempers would come back to haunt them.  Then the patriarch tells Judah that his brothers would praise him, and the scepter would not depart from his bloodline (Jesus).  Then he gets to Issachar.


Jacob tells Issachar that he is like a donkey that can crouch between two heavy loads and pick them up and carry them.  He goes on to say that Issachar would be a dependable hard worker and seemingly enjoy his work.  When I think of Issachar, I think of workers in the church.


My friends be encouraged, whatever you’re going through, you were built to handle it.  It may seem as though no one notices what you’re doing.  You may feel unappreciated.  Your name may never be called.  You may receive all the hard assignments and thankless jobs.  Hold on and stay strong – you were built for this.


Hezekiah Walker wrote the song, He Knows How Much You Can Bear.  The word of God records that in every temptation He provides a way of escape.  The next time you feel that you cannot take any more; the next time you overwhelmed.  The next time you feel as though you’re going to give up, remember you were built for this!

I bless you in the name of the Lord.