I Am Royalty


I Am Royalty


But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvelous light;” – I Peter 2:9


Like many of you I viewed last month’s royal wedding of Prince Harry and Meagan Markle.  Regardless if you watched it, saw photographs or viewed footage, it was an impressive display of wealth, influence and power.  The limousines, horses, military guards, guests and pageantry were something to behold.

The world has a way of glamorizing monarchies, heads of state and entertainers so that many people make the mistake of wishing they could be in the shoes of those famous people.  In fact, there was a television program that aired many years ago entitled Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous. 

I thank God for His Word and the revelation He gave me.  I may not look like it to you, and you may not accept it, but I am royalty right now as I write.

In II Samuel chapter 9, the Word of the Lord gives the account of a triumphant King David.  God gave him victory over the house of King Saul and Israel was united once again.  David inquired if there were any remaining relatives of the former king that he could demonstrate kindness to because of the love David had for Jonathon, King Saul’s son.  He was told that Jonathon’s son, Mephibosheth (one who dispels Baal), was alive and living in a place called Lodebar.

The young man was alive, but in a bad state.  First, he was physically challenged (the Bible says he was crippled from his youth).  Second, Lodebar (which means a place of no pasture, no communication, no word) was not a favorable place to live.  The servant Ziba was prospering: he had 15 sons and 20 servants.  Mephibosheth, the true royal heir, only had one son and he lived in need.  Upon hearing the news of Mephibosheth, King David declares that Mephibosheth would move into the king’s palace and eat at the king’s table.  David also declared that Ziba and his family would be responsible for tending to Mephibosheth’s land and bringing him the money!

Note that Mephibosheth did not have to do anything special.  He didn’t have to bribe anyone, impress anyone, fight any battles or pretend to be someone or something he was not.  All he had to do (or be) was who he was born to be and move out of a bad place into the palace.

My friends, don’t ever wish you were someone else: God intended for you to be who you are.  We were fearfully and wonderfully made (Psalms 139:14).  Peter wrote that we are of a royal priesthood and God chose us.  Perhaps you are in a state of unproductivity. Perhaps it appears you are in a place where you cannot hear God.  Just know that He hasn’t forsaken you and at any moment God is going to pay you a visit in your “Lodebar” and invite you to His table.

Stop trying to impress other people, attempting to make people like you, or prove you are deserving of their affection or respect.  When you accepted Jesus Christ, you were reborn into His royal family.  With the blood He shed we were purchased and that blood is all the royalty we’ll ever need.

Be encouraged – I bless you in the name of the Lord!