Praise God, He Never Fails

Praise God, He never fails

By Deacon Napoleon Paxton


One of my favorite songs to sing for praise and worship is, “Praise is what I do” by William Murphy. The first line of the song is, “Praise is what I do, when I want to get close to you.” There is so much truth and power in this one line.


In Psalm 69:30 David says, “I will praise the name of God with a song and will magnify him with thanksgiving.” He then follows that up in verse 31 by saying “This also shall please the Lord …” As I continue to mature and progress spiritually, I have discovered that a majority of tough situations I encounter can be resolved by just giving God praise. David messed up continually and had many situations which seemed insurmountable, but through it all he never failed to repent and give God praise. The result was always the same; David came out on top.


After many mistakes, and trying to fix situations myself, I realized that I needed to try David’s approach. Repent when I mess up and praise God through all situations, good and bad. Remarkably when I choose this approach, my results are the same as David’s. The difficult part is fighting against human emotions to worry, be angry, depressed, or any other emotion which typically only slows down our breakthroughs. As we continue to grow, let’s learn from David’s example and praise God in all things. God never fails and if we praise Him, we won’t fail either.