It’s Time to Get to Work!

It’s Time to Get to Work

John 9:4

I must work the works of him that sent me, while it is day: the night cometh, when no man can work.

October has arrived and we’re officially in the fall or autumn season.  Many identify the month of September as the ending of the summer season and Labor Day as the last summer celebration.  It is from this thought I write this blog.

My mother passed several years ago (January 2, 2013) and I was honored to eulogize her.  I say honored because she was a godly woman and the service was a real celebration.  I ministered from the text Hebrews chapters 3 and 4.  The scriptures refer to the rest, or sabbath for the believers who serve the Lord.  Anyone who knew my mother knew her to be an untiringly dedicated and committed worker to the church and the kingdom of God.  She was a wife, mother (at home), a mother (in the church), pastor’s wife, prayer warrior, career counselor, marriage coach, daughter, sister, grandmother, and so much more.  Although I miss her terribly, she deserved her rest.  Now I ask you, are you working?

One of many management theories proposes that 20 percent of the people perform 80 percent of the work.  Could this be the reason that the scriptures say, “…the harvest is plenteous, but the laborers are few?”  Could this be the reason our Lord declared there was a time limit or window of opportunity for us to work in the kingdom of God? Are you taking advantage of it?

When prayer service is called, are you available to participate, lead, or do you always have errands to run?  When the church needs cleaning, the lawn mowed, visits to the sick, prayers on the altar with sinners, teachers for Sunday School or assistants with the children, are you always missing in action?  Do you always “delegate” this to someone else?  Do you need a choir to sing for you, or do you open your mouth and make a joyful noise?  Are you dependent on the praise team to dance for you, or do you worship God exuberantly as King David did for His goodness?

My friends, it is time for us to get to work.  Our families, homes, schools, churches, country, marriages, and even more need intercessors.  We need people who are willing to give of their time, talent and treasure.  We need men to reach out to children who need strong and godly male examples.  We need women who will be sanctified and holy to serve as prayer warriors and intercede for those who cannot pray for themselves.

Let me encourage you to get out of the spiritual unemployment line and get to work in the kingdom of God.  Jesus instructed us to go into the vineyard and work – whatever is right, He’ll pay us!  Only after we’ve worked are we worthy of a rest!

I bless you in the name of the Lord.