I’m Blessed Not Lucky

I Thank God that I’m Blessed and Not “Lucky”

It was July 4, 1939 when Lou Gehrig stood in Yankee Stadium and began “Baseball’s Gettysburg Address” by uttering the words, “…today I consider myself the luckiest man on the face of the earth.”  Not to belittle Mr. Gehrig’s words, for he was a tremendous baseball player, but I thank God that I am blessed and not lucky.

When I hear the word “lucky” or “fortunate”, I know immediately the person uttering such is not aquatinted with the God that I serve.  This is because as a child of God, I know nothing happens to me that will not work to my betterment.  Just pause and consider that God plans for my success and victory.

Mr. Gehrig was a gifted and successful athlete – indeed, this was God’s plan for his life.  However, I would not trade places with him (or anyone else) for any amount of money in the world.  This is because the people, things and events I have been blessed to have in my life were not by happenstance but ordered and directed by God.

I was blessed with wonderful parents.  Although the Lord took my mother, I had more than fifty years to sit under her teaching, benefit from her prayers, and watch how she served.  My father (who turns 85 this month) and I speak every day and I am looking forward to spending time with him during the Holy Convocation.

I have been blessed with a wife who the Lord hand selected for me and she has been a tremendous blessing to me and a great asset in my life and the ministry.  I would not be the man I am today without her in my life.  I have four beautifully saved daughters who work beside me in ministry.  They’re gifted, college educated, gainfully employed, never caused me any problems, and are a blessing to the body of Christ.  My son-in-law is more like a son to me and serves as a deacon in our church.  He is saved, sanctified and spirit-filled.  My three grandchildren are healthy and active in my life.

The church I pastor – Holiness Tabernacle – is in my opinion the best church on the planet.  Never have I seen such a hard-working, loyal and supportive group of people.  They are god-fearing, faithful and truly love my family and me.

Bishop Thomas – my pastor – is the world’s best pastor.  He’s a tremendous example, caring, full of wisdom, accomplished, faithful and he has a good name.  I believe I am a member of the greatest Church in the world – the Church Of God In Christ.

There is so much more I could site to validate my numerous blessings.  However, I pause to ask how could one man be so “lucky”?  The answer is simple – I’m not lucky.  God planned my success before I was born.  Paul wrote in Romans 8:28 that all things work together for my good.  Jeremiah penned in chapter 29:11 that the Lord has plans for me and those plans are good and not evil.

My friends, as you gather this Thanksgiving with your friends and family.  Before you turn to the football game, before you slice the turkey, before you plan your “Black Friday” shopping spree, pause and praise God for your blessings.  As great as he was, Mr. Gehrig has nothing for us to envy.  He believed his life was an accident, not planned.  I believe the holy, loving, all-powerful God that I serve planned my life and for this I am thankful!

From Mrs. Pruitte, my immediate family and the Holiness Tabernacle Family,

HAPPY Thanksgiving!

I bless you in the name of the Lord.