It Wasn’t the Nails – It Was Love! by Pastor Eddie B Pruitte, Jr.

As we look to celebrate the death, burial and resurrection of our Savior this month, the Lord brought a thought to me that I would like to share. The act or punishment of crucifying criminals by the Roman Empire wasn’t uncommon. In fact, it was practiced often as a way of intimidating their subjects (much like lynching in America). You have no doubt heard that most often the person being crucified died of asphyxiation. It was also common to either tie their hands and feet with rope, or in Jesus’ case, nail the individual to the cross.

The subject being punished would prop their legs against the “stem” of the cross in order to continue breathing. Roman soldiers would prevent this (or expedite the death) by breaking their legs. However, I contend it wasn’t the nails that held Jesus on the cross.

As a husband and father, there isn’t a day that passes I do not thank God for my family and how He has blessed me to provide for and protect them. Our four daughters are adults and pretty much on their own, but there was a time during which I struggled to provide for them.

There were days I went without to make sure that they had. I skipped meals, wore second hand clothes, and worked as many as three jobs at once. There were days I went with little or no sleep. There were times I felt depressed because I couldn’t spend lavishly on them. My wife is a treasure and my love and respect for her is well known and documented. However, there were times I wanted to purchase her fine jewelry, clothes and new automobiles – but I could not. Like some men, I felt inadequate and as though I had failed them.

We all know or have heard of some men who run when they feel as though they cannot measure up. Some men lash out and become violent. Others become involved in extramarital affairs or become abusive. I bless God that I do not have that testimony. The Lord placed a love in me for wife and family. For years I watched my father work and toil to support our family. God blessed my father to train me in the same manner. As I watch my oldest daughter interact with her husband and family; as I witness another daughter preparing for marriage; as I look at another daughter excel in a meaningful career and demonstrate unlimited gifts in ministry; and as I observe another daughter matriculate through college, I am Godly proud.

I thank God that my love and commitment to them was not wasted. I know that God used me to be a blessing to them. I did not endure stressful times out of fear or because I had no other options – it was love! I believe Jesus has the same testimony.

The nails did not hold Jesus on the cross. It wasn’t because He was looking forward to dying and being beaten. I believe He stayed on the cross because He knew I would not only need His blood, but I would not waste an opportunity to commit my life to Him. I believe, just as I take pride in my family now, Jesus takes pride in us when we live holy lives.

My brothers – stay committed to your wife and family; it will pay off. Just as we need Jesus, our families need us. Spend some quality time with you wife and children during this Resurrection season. Show them that you’re not just there to make time or because of force. Love is keeping you in their lives.