God Loves Mothers – So Do I!

God Loves Mothers – So Do I!

Exodus 20:12

Honour thy father and thy mother: that thy days may be long upon the land which the LORD thy God giveth thee.


John 19:26-27

When Jesus therefore saw his mother, and the disciple standing by, whom he loved, he saith unto his mother, Woman, behold thy son!

Then saith he to the disciple, Behold thy mother! And from that hour that disciple took her unto his own home.


May is the month we set aside to honor one of God’s greatest gifts to mankind – mothers.  On the second Sunday of this month, we’ll honor the women who have played such a significant role in shaping our society.  Several weeks ago, I was both saddened and honored when the mother of one of our faithful volunteers passed away.  She would drive from Hampton, Virginia twice a month to help with our food distributions – that’s about a 2 ½ hour drive one -way.

The family requested that I eulogize her, and I was absolutely humbled and honored.  The family was rather large and I only knew the daughter of the deceased.  As I prepared to minister, the Spirit gave me a thought I believe resonated throughout the entire audience.

I read the scriptures noted above and shared that God has a special place in His heart for mothers.  Do you recall how the Lord interceded for Hagar, Hannah, or the widow of Zarephath?  How about the indebted widow whose sons were going to be sold into debtors’ prison until the Prophet Elisha intervened?  There’s the widow with the mite, the Shunamite mother and of course Mary – the mother of our Savior.

It would take me forever and a day to recount the significant role my mother played in my life.  And every day as I observe my wife interacting with my daughters, grandchildren and members of Holiness Tabernacle, I am again reminded how extraordinary mothers are.

How is it mothers can not only distinguish their child’s cry from any other child’s?  Not only can they distinguish their child’s cry, they can interpret the cry: “…they’re wet; they’re hungry; they’re sleepy…”  I have seen mothers hold down full-time jobs, go to school, take care of the children, their father and lead Bible Study and Prayer.  I believe God made them special.

My pastor, Bishop Thomas, commented that he honored all seniors as his parents.  I can certainly identify with this belief and I have practiced this since my early college days when I would visit the senior home in Aurora, Illinois and read the bible to Mother Mabel Barber – my former Cradle Roll Sunday School teacher.  She would beam with pride as I read, and her friends would ask who I was.  She would respond, “…that’s my little preacher.”

It is my belief that God loves mothers and He has always looked out for them.  It is my prayer that we will not only love mothers, but we will look out for them, protect them, provide for them, honor them, and strive to make their lives easier and more enjoyable.

I salute the mothers this month.  I honor my mother who departed in 2013 to receive her reward.  I love and honor my wife who is the mother of my daughters and countless others.  I honor the mothers of our local church: Mothers Benjamin, Beverly, Cassidy, DeLarge, Facey and Stewart.  I honor the other ladies of our church who are too numerous to mention in the article.

I tip my hat to mothers everywhere who have the favor of God and earned our love and respect.

I bless you in the name of the Lord!