Veteran’s Day Tribute


By Brother Lopez

Veterans Day represents a true Holy day or Holiday. The day represents the sacrifices of true heroes who chose to serve something greater than themselves. All sacrificed some, and some sacrificed all! The bonds of the servicemen and women of the Department of Defense and Department and the Department of Homeland Security epitomize the essence of spirituality. John 15:13 says, “Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.” Now that we see the deep, spiritual, Bible-based principals of peace and love reverenced by this day, this article will briefly discuss what is a veteran, the origins of Veterans Day, and how it is observed.

What is a Veteran? A man or woman who served in one of the five Armed Forces of the United States of America. These branches of service consist of the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, and Coast Guard.

The contributions of these brave men and women (these Veterans) extends to the Revolutionary War of colonial times; however, the origins of this holiday traces its lineage to the end of World War I, known as the “War to end all Wars.” The armistice ending the World War I was agreed upon by both sides on November 11, 1918.

In fact, the original label for the sacred holiday took the name of Armistice Day. A well-known veteran from World War II, renamed the holiday, while serving as president of the United States. In 1954, President and former Allied Supreme Commander Dwight D. Eisenhower rebranded the day Veterans Day. Veterans Day is always observed on November 11th regardless of the day of the week.

One of the most iconic events in observance and remembrance of this great day originated in 1921. In that year the remains of an unknown soldier was returned to rest at the Arlington National Cemetery. An enduring shrine known as the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier memorializes this event. It is customary on November 11th that the President of the United States of America or one of their representatives lay a reef on the Tomb to pay homage to the memories and sacrifice of the unknown soldier and the contributions of their relatives.


We owe our lives and way of life to the courageous, selfless service and belief of the Veterans of the past, present, and future. I remember the bold courage and belief in the bonds of brotherhood displayed by Specialist Norton. Specialist Norton was a Veteran of Desert Storm, recipient of the Purple Heart, seasoned in battle, infantryman, warrior, and a Marine. Once a Marine always a Marine. It was a dark night in the mountains of Afghanistan on the fringes of civilization. The Afghan interpreter attached to our platoon intercepted radio traffic from the enemy detailing their plan to attack us on this night. We heard this type of report on many occasions.

On the near mountain, the flame from the Dshk ignited the night followed by the noise breaking the silence. The Dshk is a heavy machine gun with a butterfly grip. They had maneuvered on us in the night and caught us by surprise. Enemy fire erupted from another mountain top. The first attack was the initiation of the assault. We reacted; we were in a battle. I leaped from the gun truck into the field of fire. Specialist Norton jumped into the fire, gripped my armor body to body, and combat rolled behind the truck.


Revelation 21:8 says, “But the cowardly, the unbelieving, the vile, the murderers, the sexually immoral, those who practice magic arts, the idolaters and all liars-they will be consigned to the fiery lake of burning sulfur. This is the second death.” The sacred text gives us more insight into the old adage: A coward dies a thousand times before his death, but the valiant taste of death but once.

Thank God for the Norton’s, the valiant, the courageous, the David’s, the ones after God’s own heart, those who will not taste of the second death, the Veterans of the United States of America. We all owe them a debt, and I personally pay tribute to them on this Veterans Day 2019!