What’s On Your Christmas List?

Matthew 1:21

And she shall bring forth a son, and thou shalt call his name JESUS: for he shall save his people from their sins.

It’s December – that special time of year when we look forward to celebrating the miraculous birth of our Savior. If you follow my blog, by now you know that this is unquestionably my favorite time of year. We’ve already decorated the house and I have already started baking treats and purchasing goodies for the grandchildren. Mrs. Pruitte and I are already planning our Christmas activities. And perhaps most importantly I have already started plotting, with my daughters, the perfect gift for my wife.

Through the years I have tried to be creative, generous and humorous when selecting a gift. I always want to surprise her. I want it to make a statement to her, and all that care to ask, that I went to the limit to make sure that the gift was special. I want to select something that will bring a smile to her face, meet a need, and remain memorable in the years to come. When we think about it, isn’t that what God did for us?

When the Father sent Jesus in the form of sinful flesh, He was quite creative. Only God could conceive a plan to send His son through a young virgin who was engaged to be married. Only God would think to select the little-known town of Bethlehem as the birthplace of Jesus. Only God would have the Messiah born in a stable and send lowly shepherds as the first witnesses to his birth.

Talk about generous! Jesus was the only son the Father had. When God decided to send Jesus, He not only sent His son, but He sent His only begotten son. God loved us so much that He spared no expense to securing our salvation and deliverance from sin.

I cannot speak for you, but because God sent Jesus, I am forever grateful and have committed to giving my life to His service. When I think of what God sacrificed for my sin, I not only smile but I rejoice and worship Him. Only a loving, eternal, holy and righteous God would select such a gift as Jesus and give Him to the world. And just think, God did not need any assistance in thinking what to give to the world!

“For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten son, that whosoever believeth on him shall not perish but have everlasting life” (John 3:16).

On behalf of Mother Pruitte and the Holiness Tabernacle family,

Merry Christmas!!