God is Good! By Mother Freda Benjamin

My name is Freda and I’ve got a testimony! For the last few years, I have been diagnosed with high blood pressure. But with medication, I was able to keep it under control. One Sunday morning day, however, I went to Sunday School and began to feel a little unbalanced when I walked and noticed some tension in my head. I thank God that we have a nurses’ station at our local church so I went to the nurse to ask her if she would take my blood pressure – just to make sure I was okay.

The nurse began the procedure and when the results came up, she looked very alarmed. She told me that my blood pressure was 220/104. With numbers that high, I needed to go to the hospital immediately – I was in danger of having a stroke! My pastor and first lady were called to the nurses’ station and they along with some of the missionaries began to pray.

My daughter and niece took me to the hospital and by the time we’d arrived, my pressure had gone up to 230/106. I was brought to the back for an MRI and chest scan. The nurses began to draw my blood for testing, and I was hooked up to a machine for additional monitoring. While all of this was going on, I had family and saints from up and down the East Coast praying and interceding on my behalf. I truly felt the prayers of the righteous.

And praise be to God! Within three hours, my pressure came down. I know it was nothing but the prayers of the saints! A few days later I went in to see my primary care physician. She told me that with numbers that high, she would’ve expected to see bleeding on my brain or a stroke. But God!

At the start of the year, during our Consecration services, the Lord reminded me that God is good in all situations. Sometimes the enemy comes to make you doubt God’s goodness. But the devil is a liar and God’s Word is true all the time. As He has before, God proved Himself again – that He is good.

I praise God and give Him thanks because I know Him as a healer! I am so grateful for the saints, family and friends who prayed for me. And because of their prayers, and God’s miraculous power, I am on my way to a full recovery. And that’s my testimony!

One Comment

  1. Sis.Ballinger

    Thank You so much for sharing your one of many Holy Ghost filled testimonies. You’re a blessing to my soul. Thank You.

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