God Had Another Plan

By Brother Anthony Green

There is nothing too hard for God. All power belongs to God. Psalm 62:11 states “God hath spoken once; twice have I heard this; that power belongeth unto God.” Once I was able to grab hold to this truth I surrendered to the will of God and His power was manifested in my life. God can do things in which we are unable to understand or comprehend. I will share one of many testimonies regarding God’s mighty power when we submit to His will. In 2015 due to several circumstances primarily centered around financing, I had to leave graduate school. Completing graduate school in five years was my plan and I fervently pursued this goal all four years of undergrad.

However, God had another plan. I had to get rid of a brand-new car that I had purchased only six months prior and moved back home (which I vowed I’d never do). Though extremely disappointed and discouraged I kept the faith and quickly adjusted “my” plans to accepting God’s plan. Because of God’s mercy and grace, within a month of moving back I had been on several interviews for jobs in my field and had started a small part time job. In less than 45 days of being back home I had been offered a position and started my career. Within two months of working, now maintaining two jobs, I was able to purchase another car (with a much more reasonable payment).

God restored all that I thought I had lost and given me so much more! God has all power to do things that we often will not understand – we just must trust Him. He truly has our best in mind if we only move ourselves out of the way! Shortly after getting comfortable in my new role, He made ways for me to finish my master’s degree in less than a year with a 3.89 GPA. God is so faithful, even when we do not see a way out. Even when all my friends counted me out. Even when we feel there is no way to overcome such devastating circumstances. God has already planned our escape; we just must trust Him and remember that all power belongs to God and that there is nothing too hard for God! Be encouraged.

One Comment

  1. Sis.Ballinger

    Thank You so much for your blessed testimony.To God Be The Glory and The Honor.

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