God is My Advocate

My name is Asha King and I’ve got a testimony! I remember transferring to a new high school my freshman year. I had no friends at the time so my goal was honestly to get in and get out. If you knew me back then I was relatively quiet anyway, however, walking into classrooms where no one looked like me was beyond overwhelming. I sat in the back of class, I never spoke, but I got my work done.  

One of my teachers designed her lectures where if you missed one quiz or got anything below a C on any quiz you had a F until you made it up. The evening before grades were due, I walked into her classroom to make up my quiz. But I was turned away and told I couldn’t take mine. I wasn’t late, but she refused to give me my test. I cried that evening, but never said anything. When I got my report card and my aunt and mom saw that “F” I let them know what happened and they were furious. At the time I had no idea why they were so mad. When they said they were going up to the school I lost my mind in anger because I saw nothing wrong with what this teacher did. Let’s keep in mind I had A’s and B’s in every other class. After meeting with the principal and my biology teacher my mom and aunt got my grade changed. The teacher gave me that grade, assuming that because I was quiet and sat in the back of the classroom, I was slacking off like other students who do that. Those words NEVER left me. Years later, I still look back and marvel at how God shielded me from someone who was trying to harm me. This teacher knew nothing about me, however, she judged me based off irrelevant assumptions that she created in her head. She used her power to try and hinder me from successfully passing her class. Imagine if I didn’t have my mom and aunt to advocate for me back then? I believe God has a way of sending people into your life to intercede for you when you are unable to speak up for yourself. God sent my mom and aunt to intercede in my situation. They could’ve acted out and made a scene, but instead they trusted that God would turn the situation around and He did.  

I always tell myself “If you begin and end with God, “can’t” is never in your vocabulary. In other words, as long as I trust in God at the beginning and the end of my trials and tribulations then I know I can overcome all things. My teacher tried to tell me I couldn’t take my test. My teacher tried to fail me. My teacher didn’t want me to succeed. BUT GOD. God saw my situation and He knew who to send in. As my aunt and mom stood there advocating for me, God worded their mouths and gave them what to say and how to say it. In the end we came out victorious. And that’s my testimony!

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  1. Sis. Ballinger


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