My Tribute to My Hero

My Tribute to My Hero 

Where do I begin to find the words to write probably the most difficult article I have ever had to write? My mother transitioned from labor to rest January 2, 2013. As difficult as it was, perhaps because she had struggled in her health for several years, her death was not a surprise. Bishop Thomas’ departure was sudden and unexpected. I had just spoken with him a few days prior. We exchanged Father’s Day greetings only a couple of days before. Then came the call – June 24, 2020. 

Bishop Ted G. Thomas, Sr. was a spiritual giant in my life. He was accomplished: General Board Member; Jurisdictional Prelate of Virginia First Jurisdiction; Pastor of New Community COGIC; Pastor of Saint Stephens COGIC; and there is so much more I could list. But Bishop Thomas touched me like no other man ever has. 

I began pastoring twenty-two years ago. I was discouraged, I lacked confidence, and I needed someone to rebuild me: Bishop Thomas was that man. He would call me and encourage me. He would tell me how much potential he saw in me. When our church was granted land, we needed to pay the tax arrearage. Unbeknownst to me, he arranged for us to secure a loan and never told us. After paying off the loan early, I told him, and he smiled and said he already knew. As time went on, the Vice-President of the Commercial Lending department informed me that Bishop Thomas had signed off on the loan. When I returned and thanked him and asked him why he did this, he broke out that big smile and said, “…son, I believed in you…”. 

Bishop Thomas filled so many roles in my life. He was a father in the gospel. For his burden for souls and his seemingly untiring will to spread the Word. He was my champion. As I heard stories about him laboring to support his wife and family, his local and national church. He was my hero. He taught me about balancing church work and family life. It seemed as though everything he touched prospered – including me. He was my pastor. He encouraged me, he corrected me, he sowed into me and he was a great example of strong leadership. 

He was my friend. We laughed together and he loved a good clean joke. He liked to eat, and he was a great storyteller. He was an example. He was someone I could pattern my life after. He was my confidant. I have been through some experiences and I did not want to share them with anyone. As a man, husband, pastor, father, there were some things I experienced where I needed someone to talk to. Bishop Thomas was the type of man I could share anything with, and he would not look at me differently and he would not tell anyone. 

He was my promoter. He recommended me to the Presiding Bishop of our denomination for a position in Bishop Blake’s administration. He appointed me to several positions in the jurisdiction. Two years ago, he assigned me the task of preaching in our jurisdiction’s holy convocation. He expressed confidence in me, and I never wanted to let him down. 

He was a guide. I could watch him and emulate his actions, and decisions. Once I witnessed someone take advantage of him and he did not react. I asked him how he handled so well. He commented that God would deal with them and if he held a grudge, he would not only hurt himself, he would delay the Lord’s judgement. From this I learned the importance of releasing people who had hurt me and love them regardless. 

Make no mistake about it – I am still sort of in a state of shock. Every now and then I pull out my telephone and look at the Father’s Day text message he sent, and I say to myself, I will never receive another text from him. I look at some of the pictures we took together. I recall the fellowship our churches (St. Stephens and Holiness Tabernacle) had together. I can still hear his voice and remember some of our conversations. He was a tremendous man in my life, and he made an indelible impression on me. 

Thank you, Lord, for placing this man in my life. Thank you, Bishop Thomas, for allowing the Lord to use you to get the best out of me. I am Godly proud of you and I vow to do all that I can to carry on your legacy of excellence in ministry and commitment to God. I am a better man, Christian, preacher, pastor, husband and father because I crossed your path. 

I will never forget you.


  1. Sis. Ballinger


  2. Dr DaVon’ Gordon Sr

    Well Stated @Pastor E. B. Pruitt Jr.

  3. Howard King

    Great tribute to your hero, mentor, pastor, friend, confidante, and much more!

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