God’s Plan is Best!

My name is Felicia Burrus and I’ve got a testimony! I have been blessed as a military spouse to continue my career as an elementary school teacher as we have moved and transitioned over the last 20 plus years.  I also have the privilege to currently work as an online adjunct professor. 

Last year, we were preparing for another move and I was excited at the prospect of returning to the classroom and continuing my career.  However, I soon learned this was not going to be possible due to my husband’s job responsibilities and my children’s school and work schedule.  I was crushed with the thought of not being able to further my career and having to stay home to meet the needs of my family.  I love my children but I love what I do as an educator and being full time in a classroom.  So, I continued to work part time as an online professor. 

In the spring of this year when Covid-19 hit, my world was thrown for a loop.  My husband was an essential worker and I was left alone to facilitate the education for my two children; one of which was a senior in high school.  It was during those first few weeks of this “new” role that I began to see God’s hand in what I thought was a bleak situation.   Because I was working part time from home already, I was able to devote the time needed to ensure my children and my husband received the support and care that they needed to help us get through this new normal.  I am forever grateful to have had the opportunity to assist my daughter with the all the responsibilities, heartaches, and difficulties that came with a “quarantine graduation”, a new school, and a pandemic.  The days were long and challenging but God brought us through! God knew that I was going to be placed in the role of having to meet my children’s educational and emotional needs in a way that would be almost unbearable had I been working full-time as a classroom teacher. 

My job as an online professor gave me flexibility and income when so many others were losing jobs and having to make unimaginable decisions concerning the work/home balance.  God knew what was ahead and placed me in a position that I didn’t understand at first.  He knew that the dynamics of this world would change and I am grateful that I could change with it.  Another part of the miracle in this was that even though our income went down, we remained faithful in giving and God allowed us to reduce our debt and generate more savings.  

I have learned throughout the years and especially the last two years that God’s plans far exceed my own.  He is wiser and able to see every vantage point for our lives.  Many times, we focus on what is in front of us and what we want and how we want it.  But I serve a God that sees all, knows all, and is concerned about it all!  And that’s my testimony! 


Jeremiah 29:11 – For I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord.  They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope. 

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  1. Sis. Ballinger


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