God is a Healer!

 Brother Barry Scott 

 In February 2019, after a routine physical, my doctor notified me that my PSA levels were elevated; he recommended a month of antibiotic treatment, followed by additional lab tests, to which I agreed, as I was feeling fine and had no cause for concern. 

A month later, after the completion of another PSA lab test, my doctor informed me that, despite the antibiotic, my PSA levels were still elevated and that he had scheduled me for a urology consultation. Now, I was a little bit worried.  What could be wrong that would cause for me to see a urologist? My wife began to google search my PSA numbers and the results were not good. 

In October 2019, after the completion of a biopsy, my urologist confirmed that I had prostate cancer and while hearing the words were devastating, there was good news in knowing that my Gleason score was in the most favorable group, which meant the cancer was very small and the treatment plan would be to actively monitor it with routine testing –  and for that I praised God! 

In July 2020, as part of my treatment plan, I completed an MRI Fusion Prostate Biopsy, which was to allow the Urologist to better pinpoint the location of the cancer and to confirm if it was growing.  

On August 5, 2020, I met with my Urologist who confirmed, not only had the cancer not grown, it was smaller than first identified. It appeared to have shrunk in size – and for that I praised God, even more! 

I am a walking and living testimony to God’s healing power! God healed me from COVID-19 and is healing me from cancer. There is nothing that God cannot do! I trust Him for my complete healing and will continually bless and praise His name. 


One Comment

  1. Sis. Ballinger

    Praise Him!! POWERFUL TESTIMONY!! I thank God for blessing you and your family.

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