Word Study: Pain


Pain is a natural part of life. It is inevitable and inescapable. No matter who you are, or how much money or influence you have you will experience pain in your lifetime. From the time you are a child until the day of your demise you will experience some pain whether it be physical, spiritual, or emotional. It is just a part of being a member of humanity. 

When we come to Christ, we may think that we are going to escape pain but in reality, the Bible states in several scriptures that it will be the oppositemany are the afflictions of the righteous… But do not think that by not accepting the Lord Jesus you will escape pain, because it is part of the natural course of life.  

Seeing that we cannot escape pain the question then becomes, how do we deal with pain and not let it break us? I remember visiting someone at a hospital once and seeing a whiteboard with the words “pain management” written on it. It illustrated the pain the patient was feeling by using a rating system. The goal was to manage the pain and not wait until it became too severe to do something about it. This is how we have to tackle pain. Instead of letting it build up to the point where we cannot handle it, we need some intervention. This is whether the pain is physical, emotional, or spiritual. We must ascribe to pain management and this may sometimes require some professional help.  

Sometimes we set ourselves up for pain. One notable way is by having unrealistic expectations of ourselves and of others. We all have a pain threshold and it differs from one person to the next. One example that comes to mind is childbirth. Some women can bear the pain without any medication while others must be medicated. The thresholds of pain vary greatly from one woman to another, so we cannot judge one more harshly because she was unable to withstand the pain.  

Pain should not be underestimated. It can be earthshattering for some depending on what it is. Humans have a great capacity of overcoming great pain. Understanding that you are not alone and being able to share your pain can be beneficial. Rejection, loss, and traumatic events can bring about some emotional pain that may manifest themselves as physical. Dealing with your emotional and spiritual well-being can have a positive effect on your overall health. Staying in shape physically can in turn help your emotional and spiritual health. They work hand in hand.  

Taking part in activities you enjoy and managing your expectations are things that will help you feel better about yourself and keep you from being let down as frequently. Changing your attitude about life and understanding that life is not always going to turn out the way you anticipate will also help you manage some of the pitfalls life brings us that lead to a painful road.  

Above all do not neglect your spiritual health. The Lord is the One who can help us navigate through the maze of life. Remember that He is the One who is ultimately going to bring us to a place where there will no longer be pain to worry about. Let us pray and ask the Lord to help us heal from our pain and begin to live life with purpose and intentionality 

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  1. Sis. Ballinger


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