The Healing Grace

My name is Mother Lillian DeLardge and I have a testimony! I open this testimony by stating the fact that God’s grace is sufficient. It’s amazing when we sing the song, “Amazing Grace,” it tells of His awesome redeeming powerwhich in turn sheds light on the true and eternal compassion of God. God has and will continue to give us all. He has been, even to this day, an amazing factor in my life.  

When I was fourteen years of age, I had my first surgery. It was a cyst at the base of my spine. My hospital stay was one week. I recovered at home lying on my stomach. When I returned to school, I couldn’t participate in PE for a couple of weeks. That was hard for an active teenager, but the Lord healed me, and my recovery was very good. I was able to resume my daily activities like jumping double Dutch, running, and having normal teenage fun 

Through the years I’ve often thought about how one surgeon had to hold me in a fetal position as another surgeon injected me with a solution tnumb me from my waist down. One movement from the surgeon or me could have resulted in paralysis. Years later when I accepted the Lord Jesus as my personal savior and learned more of Him and God’s love and care, I realized it was the Lord’s arm embracing me and the surgeon’s arms. There were other surgeries and procedures not related to this one; each time, God has brought me through with amazing recovery.  

So, I encourage my sisters and brothers to hold onto your faith. Do not doubt, regardless of the situation. God is able to heal us of all our infirmities. Isaiah 53:5 tells us that with His stripes we are healed. Truly God is amazing in all His ways. I pray today that everyone will trust in the Lord for complete healing – He can and will deliver you. I love you with the love of the Lord Christ Jesus, our Savior. And that’s my testimony! 

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  1. Sis. Ballinger


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