God Blessed Me with My House

My name is Josie Rippy and I’ve got a testimony! All I can say is that God has been so good to me and this year He continues to keep blessing me. In 2018 the Lord blessed me to purchase a home that had all of the things I had desired. I was told that I would not be able to purchase a house because I had just changed job and it was in a different career field. After being down about this for a few months, I received a renewal letter in the mail from my apartment complex and took it to God. I told God that I desired to purchase house and He directed me to speak to my Pastor about it. Fast forward, my Pastor directed me to a realtor that was able to get me a lender and the perfect home for me.  

Part two of the blessing regarding my house came this year – in 2020Both my mortgage company and the way I paid my mortgage changed. In order to get back on track with how I was previously paying, I asked the new company if they could take the current payment and put it on the back of my loan. In response, the customer service representative instructed me to call the collections department to see what they could do. In my mind, I was not going to call because I didn’t want to give the impression that I couldn’t pay my bills. I called another representative to see if I could get the response that I wanted to hear, but instead I received the same response: call the collections department. I finally put my pride aside and called the collections department and could have never imagined the response that I received. The company ended up cutting my mortgage payment by more than 20 percent and took almost 20 percent off the balance of my principal. If I had let my pride take the wheel, I would have missed out on the blessing that God had in store for me. And that’s my testimony! 

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  1. Sis. Ballinger


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