Word Study: Intentional

One word you hear used quite often today is the word intentional. It is defined as an action made with awareness; done deliberately, consciously or on purpose. Our words and deeds should not be haphazard or without intent. What we say and do always have an intent, but the question begs, what is that intent? We may think when we say or do something, we are doing it without much thought, but what is the message being received? If what is received by the other person is not what you intended, then we need to be more aware and careful of what we are projecting. 

Part of being intentional is being in the moment, actively interacting and engaging in life. We may find ourselves at different times in our lives where we feel we are just existing and not really living. We mechanically walk about our lives without taking the time to step back and assess what we are doing and why. You do not want to look back at your life and realize that you spent a great deal of it just getting by.  

Living intentionally is having a lifestyle that aligns with your system of values and beliefs. It is having a vision for your life and pursuing it by setting up goals and devising ways to achieve them. It is being mindful of who you are and staying true to it. 

Distractions can really get in the way of living intentionally. They veer you off your path and become a stumbling block by robbing you of precious time. Distractions have become so prevalent in our society. They keep us from staying focused on achieving our goals.  Think of the treasurable moments we miss with our family or loved ones because we are engaged with our electronics or other activities which consume a great deal of our time.   

You can choose to live your life without purpose or meaning. But doing so means robbing the world of the great contributions you could have made. And in essence, you end up taking from the world instead of contributing to it. On the other hand, when you live intentionally, you understand that your contributions have a positive impact on others. 

My husband is very deliberate and intentional. Every morning he makes a list of things to do. While he is performing the tasks on his list, he does not like to be distracted. I am more of a “go with the feel of day” type of person. I have learned throughout the years, however, just going with the way I feel has cost me a lot of wasted time. While it is not bad to have a “go with the flow” approach sometimes, it is good to also have intentional goals. In our marriage, we balance each other out: he keeps me focused and I help him try new experiences.  

The best way to learn to live intentionally is by centering your life around the Lord. He is the one that ultimately gives us purpose in life. The Lord has deposited many gifts and talents in us and wants to see them develop in our lives. When we know and understand our purpose, our lives become more fulfilling and we will have contentment. So, let us look to the Lord today and ask Him how we can become more intentional. It may not be as hard as you think! 


  1. Sis. Ballinger



    GOD BLESS I ENJOYED TREMENDOUSLY with all good intentions and purpose.

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