It Is Going to be a Good Year!

Happy New Year (2021) 

It Is Going to be a Good Year! 

Philippians 4:13-14 

forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before, I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus. 

Last Sunday we recorded the last Sunday Morning message for 2020.  As I began to minister, the Holy Spirit brought several things back to my remembrance: some good and some not so good.  As I shared some of these thoughts with the congregation, I saw a few people lower their heads and sob openly.  It goes without saying, 2020 was a challenging year for all of us. 

Personally, I experienced a great deal of death in my family and a close circle of relationships.  More than a few of the members were afflicted with the dreaded COVID-19, and this past month, one of our dear mothers went home to be with the Lord.  I really miss seeing many of the saints and spending time with my grandchildren.  As I reflected on these things, the Holy Spirit began to minister to me. 

He reminded me that my 87-year-old father was alive, healthy, and strong.  The Lord reminded me that our Church was healthy (every member that contracted the disease was healed), He reminded me that He had honored His Word (at the onset of the pandemic the Lord told me that our membership would get “fat”).  The Holy Ghost brought back to my remembrance the several testimonies of healing, promotions, career advancements, financial miracles and blessings, and the list continues.  He reassured me that He was a God who kept His Word. 

I began to rejoice and consider my faith to strengthen in 2020.  He reminded me that I was able to devote more time to Bible study and prayer in 2020.  He reminded me that He met every need I had and more in 2020.  He reminded me that He blessed Holiness Tabernacle spiritually, physically, and financially in 2020.  As He continued to speak, I began to realize how good He has been to me. 

The Spirit brought a Scripture to mind.  It is good for me that I have been afflicted; that I might learn thy statutes (Psalms 119:71).”  I can honestly say that I learned a great deal about myself and even more about the Lord.  About me?  I learned I can find more time to pray and study His Word.  I learned that my faith in God could be strengthened and my resolve to praise God through anything was developed.  I also learned that God is God in every situation.  I learned that He upholds His Word, and nothing is too hard for Him.  I learned that He will never leave me nor forsake me, and He has my back.  As I thought about these things, I began to consider what lies ahead in 2021. 

I am looking forward to 2021, and not because 2020 was so terrible.  I am looking forward to new challenges.  I am looking forward to seeing God fulfill more of His promises in my life.  I am looking forward to seeing the Lord save more souls through the ministry He has birthed and sharpened in me.  I am looking forward to being a greater blessing to God and His people because of what I learned about Him and myself in 2020.  2021 – it is going to be a good year!! 

On behalf of Myself,  Mrs. Pruitte, and the Holiness Tabernacle family – Happy New Year!! 


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  1. Sis. Ballinger


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