You Can’t Take It With You!

Hebrews 12:1 

Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us, 

I Kings 19:17-21 

Have you noticed how much “stuff” Americans accumulate?  No doubt you can walk to a storage facility no matter where you live.  Nearly everyone has items in storage, a shed or in their garage.  I would guess with a measure of certainty we all have closets and crawl spaces that are literally filled to capacity.  Yet we still find ourselves at the mall, the consignment shop, the Goodwill store or trolling the neighborhoods on weekends looking for yard sales.  Did I mention Craig’s List or Ebay?  It appears we are infatuated with collecting “stuff”.  I did some research and learned that only Australia has a higher square foot per person rate than Americans. 

As a pastor and one who interacts with people of all walks of life, I see the same thing in the people of the Lord.  We tend to carry a lot of excess baggage that often hinders us from reaching our spiritual potential.  In the Apostle Paul’s letter to the Galatians, he concludes chapter four by affirming that they are free from the law and sin.  Then he opens the next chapter by encouraging them to stand fast in their liberty and not to become “entangled” again.  When we carry or attempt to hold on to a lot of baggage, it will entangle us. 

During my devotions recently, I came across Elisha’s call to ministry.  Elijah had recently defeated the 400 prophets of Baal and the 450 prophets of the grove on Mount Carmel.  This angered Queen Jezebel and Elijah ran in fear.  The Lord instructed the legendary prophet to cast his mantel on a young man that was plowing in the field with a team of oxen:  this symbolized God has selected Elisha as Elijah’s successor. 

Elisha asked Elijah permission to bid farewell to his family.  Then he does something that caught my attention.  The Scripture says that he killed his oxen and used the wood from the plow to build a fire and roast the animals.  He continued to take the meat and feed it to the people.  In other words, he got rid of everything he had and fully committed to following Elijah.  After saying goodbye to his family and sacrificing his animals that were used to earn a living, he had nothing holding him back from ministry.  I ask you – what are you clinging to that may hold you back? 

Some hold unto ungodly relationships.  Some hold on to addictions or past hurts.  Some hold onto anger or other emotions like depression, rejection, or bitterness.  The Lord wants us to know, if we expect to achieve greatness in Him, we can’t take it with us.  Just as the airline industry limits what you can bring aboard (or even check at the counter), God expects the same with us.  When we check in for a flight, the carry-on baggage size is limited.  The checked baggage weight has a limit.  If we exceed the weight or number allowed, it will either cost us more, or even worse, prevent us from flying. 

My friends, let’s follow the words of the author of Hebrews; let us lay aside every weight and sin that so easily besets us (or knocks us off course), and run the race of holiness and righteousness.  This year we are determined to pursue true holiness.  If you want to achieve this goal, when it comes to the excess baggage and stuff rememberYou Can’t Take It With You!! 

I bless you in the name of the Lord.