I’m Glad I’m a Father!

Ephesians 6:4 – “And, ye fathers, provoke not your children to wrath: but bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord.” 

Proverbs 10:1 – “The proverbs of Solomon. A wise son maketh a glad father” 

Psalms 127:3 – “Lo, children are an heritage of the Lord: and the fruit of the womb is his reward. 

The third Sunday in June is designated as Father’s Day.  Through the years I have written articles dedicated to honor men who have played a “father” role in my life.  There is my biological father, Elder Eddie B Pruitte, Sr. to whom I speak with every day and am planning to visit this month.  I love and respect him dearly. 

There is the late Bishop Ted G. Thomas, Sr. whom I refer to as my spiritual father.  I matured as a pastor and leader under his tutelage.  Even in death I often recall some of our conversations and words of wisdom he deposited in me. 

There’s Superintendent Lloyd C. Coles, Jr., Pastor Geno Thomas, Bishop William Haven Bonner, Deacon Richard Lowrey, Sr., and Deacon Matthew Jones.  All of them planted seeds of ministry, preaching, leadership, but most of all, fatherhood in me.  As I write this blog, I consider lessons I learned from these men and have attempted to put into practice so that I might be the best father my children deserve.  Fatherhood is a challenge. Fatherhood requires maturity. Fatherhood requires patience. Fatherhood requires strength. But most importantly, fatherhood requires the love and direction that only God can provide. 

As a young father, I worked hard to provide for my wife and young family.  We struggled at times, but we never went hungry and we always had a roof over our heads.  I could not always buy them the best of the best, but they always got my best.  If I did not come home at night, it was because I was working another job to provide.  My family also never had reason to question if I loved them, and I never did anything to embarrass them. 

Today, they are all grown-up.  The Lord chose to bless me with four beautifully saved, and sanctified daughters.  They all serve with me in our local church.  Two of them are married and have families of their own and their husbands also serve with me at Holiness Tabernacle.  I also have several spiritual sons and daughters, and many of them have married and started families of their own.  Some of them are in ministry, and to my knowledge, most of them confess Jesus as their Savior.  Often, I reflect on their challenges and successes, and it brings me great joy to see them growing in Christ.  I admit, there are times I live vicariously through them and try to convince myself that I had a role to play in their victories.  Maybe I did not, but it is nice to believe so. 

I thank God for all of those sons and daughters that thought enough of me to seek me for counsel and follow my advice.  I thank God for those who observe me from a distance and emulate things I do.  I thank God for those who listen to my stories and experiences and learn how to avoid the mistakes I made.  I thank God for those who call me dad, or father, or refer to me as a father figure in their lives. 

This Father’s Day I endeavor to take some more time and reflect on those individuals whose live I have impacted for the better, and thank God, He allowed me to do so.  Happy Father’s Day to you dads and thank you children for allowing us to be your fathers! 

I bless you in the name of the Lord! 

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