Who’s Helping You? 

Psalms 121:1-2 

I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help comes. 2 My help cometh from the Lord, which made heaven and earth. 

Psalms 20:7 

Some trust in chariots, and some in horses: but we will remember the name of the Lord our God. 

As I drove through the city the other day, I had the opportunity to notice the many businesses and stores that had gone out of business. A sense of sadness came over me as I noted the impact of this turbulent time we live in, fueled by this pandemic. Before I went too far down the rabbit hole, the Holy Spirit stirred and ministered to me. He brought this to my attention. 

He reminded me how He had not only sustained Holiness Tabernacle (and many other churches), but He had caused us to prosper and begin to build a house of the Lord. Not many can testify to this miracle. He reminded me that many businesses failed even though they had business acumen. Some of them had MBA’s and marketing degrees. Some of them had a business plan, venture capital, and small business loans. Some of them traded publicly or had studied the area and were convinced that their business would thrive – but they did not. Why is our church holding strong? Why is the body of Christ gaining strength? It is because of who we receive our help from: God. 

Many do not like to admit it, but we all need help at some time in our lives – God made us interdependent. There is a saying, “No man is an island.” Parents need help raising their children. If you have a successful marriage, someone offered you good advice. If you have a successful career, someone mentored or trained you. Even our Savior had help carrying His cross. However, we must be careful who we accept help from. God has already warned us that man looks on the outward appearance, but God looks on the heart. 

When Elijah’s brook dried up, God sent him to a widow in Zarephath to sustain him. When David needed refuge from King Saul, a king of the Philistines, Achish, hid David and his men in Ziklag. When Joshua sent spies into Jericho, a prostitute provided a hiding place. It appears whenever God sends help, it is from an unlikely source. 

Some of us make the mistake of seeking, or accepting “help” from the wrong source. These are people who tell everyone that they helped you. Or people who help you, but they want something in return. Others help you, but they hold it over your head because they really want to feel superior to you; as long as you need help, they are your friend. But as soon as you become self-reliant, they do not like it. God is not like that.  

I believe God uses unlikely sources of help because He wants us to know He is the one who provides the help that we need. When help comes from God, He is glorified. When help comes from God, people are encouraged, and you have no shame. 

During these challenging times, I hear people putting their trust in politicians, attorneys, medical professionals, or people who present themselves as spiritual superstars. I marvel at how so many people arrive at different conclusions. It must be because of their source of help. 

I have decided to join the psalmist and look up to the hills. God has brought me this far, and I have no doubt He will continue to help me. As you continue in your way, ask yourself, who is helping you? As you face challenges in life, to whom do you turn for help? 

I bless you in the name of the Lord.