The Ministry of Motherhood

Happy Mother’s Day to all of you ladies who nurture, encourage, tutor, teach, pray for, protect, council, mitigate, defend, provide for, watch out for, plan for, doctor, and so much more for us.  Motherhood is absolutely an amazing gift from God Himself.  The Lord called my mother from labor to rest, January 2, 2013.  I miss her terribly, and I know my siblings do as well: but I learned from her about the ministry of motherhood. 

When you have an opportunity, read I Kings 3:16-28.  This is the story of two women who argued about their children.  One of the mothers crushed her child and switched babies with the other woman’s healthy baby.  The next day as they argued over the live baby, King Solomon offered to cut the live baby in half.  The “fake” mother agrees: the real mother was willing to give her baby to the false mother to protect her baby’s life.  The real mother was revealed. 

I learned through my mother, and subsequently through my wife, mothers do not just mother their children, they mother anyone that crosses their path in need of mothering.  They do not try to replace the person’s parents, they just offer their shoulder, a kind word, godly advice, or just a listening ear. 

I cannot count the number of seasoned women that have offered me words of encouragement.  They often tell me how much they appreciate the ministry God has placed me over.  They offer advice: they tell me that they are praying for me.  I do my best to honor them and demonstrate my appreciation for the ministry they perform in my life. 

At Holiness Tabernacle, I have seen and heard my wife “mother” several people.  There have been many services that I waited patiently as my wife was in her office, with the door closed, ministering to someone.  When the door opens, sometimes they are laughing, sometimes I can see redness in their eyes.  But there is always a pleasant spirit amongst them.  I never ask what they discussed – I just know a need was met. 

My wife now serves in a “safe house” that protects young girls that have been abused.  I watch her pray with them, sing with them, play jacks and cards with them.  Recently, she took the entire group to an amusement park, and pizza with her own money.  She told me that she wanted the girls to experience some good things in life – as all good mothers do. 

No doubt you can recall a “motherly” person who took interest in you.  Perhaps. She was the one who always had a snack in her purse, and she would share it with you when you were hungry.  She was the one who taught you the BIBLE song.  She was the one you could pour out your heart to, and she always understood how you felt. 

Let us celebrate them this Mother’s Day.  The ministry of motherhood does not just stop with her household, it expands to anyone who needs mothering. 

Happy Mother’s Day!