I Serve a Wealthy God!

Haggai 2:8 

The silver is mine, and the gold is mine, saith the Lord of hosts. 

Philippians 4:19 

But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus. 

Some of you may be aware that we are in the process of building a church from the ground up.  Should the Lord tarry, we plan to break ground later this year.  It has been about a two-year process, and admittedly, we have been challenged along the way.  However, recently I was visiting a friend who is in the early stages of constructing a church as well. 

While visiting the site where their church will be constructed, he informed me that after negotiating a purchase price for the 7-acre tract, the seller called him (the pastor) back and said the Lord had convicted him and he was going to donate the land to the church.  Then my friend made the following comment, that caused my spirit to rise.  He said, “Pastor Pruitte, we don’t have a wealthy congregation, but we serve a wealthy God.”   Immediately, I heard the Holy Ghost speak to me and dare me to say what I had been whispering to myself but was afraid to say it aloud. 

I have had a desire to do something tangible for the Lord and His people ever since I began pastoring, more than 20 years ago.  I desired to build the Lord a house, but I never wanted to place too much weight on the people of God.  I desired to build the new church and be able to pay for it, cash!  But within myself, I was afraid to say it aloud because people remember what you say and judge you accordingly.  When my brother in Christ told of his testimony, the Spirit challenged me. 

Some of us are afraid to ask God to perform difficult things.  Some of us are afraid to ask God for miracles, or the impossible.  That is because we still see God through the eyes of our limitations.  The fact remains, that there is nothing too hard for God.  We do not ask or believe because we believe God does not have any more resources than we do.  However, the Scripture tells me that the earth is the Lord’s and the fullness thereof (Psalms 24:1). 

In the two texts referenced, the first occurred as the new Temple had been constructed.  God tells the prophet that He would cause surrounding pagan nations to bring money and whatever material was necessary to ensure that His house would be great.  After all, God owned what the heathen has anyway.  In the second Scripture, an imprisoned Paul tells his readers that all his needs were met, and he had more than he needed – even while being incarcerated!  Why, because God was providing for him. 

So, my friends, expect to hear in the coming months, the wealthy God that I serve, has stepped in and provided a miracle for Pastor Pruitte and Holiness Tabernacle.  If He can do it for us, He can do it for you. 

I bless you in the name of the Lord.