Lessons in Life

The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge: but fools despise wisdom and instruction (Proverbs 1:7) 

As the month of September approaches, if we strain our ears a little, we can hear school bells and see our children gathering at the bus stop awaiting their bus to transport them to school. In fact, some have already returned to the classroom, and I pray you will join me in praying for their academic success, safety, and godly innocence this school year. Here at Holiness Tabernacle, we have been blessed with several youths and we advocate for their spiritual, as well as educational growth. 

Something happens within me every year when this time on the calendar rolls in: I get a feeling and sense of excitement, and I absolutely love being on a college campus in the fall. Undoubtedly it is because I love school and learning in a classroom. I love the challenge of being educated, and having my mind stretched to learn and apply new concepts. In fact, it is my desire to return to the classroom upon completing our building project. 

The past couple of years, my Bible reading / study has increased substantially. The more I read, the more I want to know. I believe this is a result of the Holy Spirit calling me to obey Scripture “…search the Scripture, for in them ye think ye have eternal life. For they testify of me” (John 5:39). Or II Timothy 2:15 which reminds us to, “Study to show thyself approved unto God…rightly dividing the word of truth.”. I sincerely believe this is a result of the benevolence of God, who wants to give us wisdom and knowledge. 

The referenced Scripture indicates that knowledge begins with the fear, or respect for God. Should it not make sense that the one who created everything, and everyone should be the source of how everything and everyone works? Is it not plausible to conclude the One who controls the world known and unknown, is the One we should go to for answers? And is it not sad that with all of life’s challenges, and with all the things we do not understand that many shun knowledge, wisdom, and the One who can provide it? 

The more I study and understand, the more I realize I do not know and understand. This is one of the lessons I have learned in life. I overheard my six-year-old granddaughter telling my wife that she loved school, and when she was asked what she learned, she replied – EVERYTHING! This was after three days of school. Unfortunately, this is the approach for some believers. There are those who do not spend time in the Word; they do not spend time with the Lord; and they do not spend time under the instruction of a holy, sanctified and Spirit-filled pastor. 

Life has taught me, and the Word confirms that there is so much I do not know, and I am looking to the Holy Ghost to lead me and guide me into all truths (John 16:13). The old hymn says, “…many things about tomorrow, I do not seem to understand, but I know who holds tomorrow, and I know who holds my hand!” 

I bless you in the name of the Lord!!