He Brought Me Joy!

My name is Deloris Pruitte and I’ve got a testimony! Out of all the things I want to thank God for this year, I want to thank Him for bringing back my joy. After a long year of isolation, bad work situation and trying to balance school, life was just too much. I was constantly feeling busy but not busy enough, feeling unproductive and just not knowing what to do next in my life.  

When you’re my age, people either appear to have their life completely together or just choose to go with the flow of life. When you see that and don’t know where you fall into place, it feels so discouraging.  

So, I decided I was sick of wallowing and just sick of how things were going in my life. I remembered what I did in 2019 and decided on New Year’s I was going to make a list of the goals I want to accomplish and ask God to just give me a sign or show me clear as day what I needed to do. After a couple of months, I realized I can’t just expect God to change my life without also putting in the work myself. I had to force myself to break out of my bad habits and cut off people I knew weren’t good to have in my life and weren’t adding any value to it.  

Over time, I developed a plan and routine and continued to ask God for guidance on what to do next. As I continue to work on myself and mature, I will continue to thank God for the joy He’s given back to me. And that’s my testimony! 

One Comment

  1. Sis. Ballinger

    Amen, thank you for your encouraging testimony God Bless

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