God Did Not Take a Vacation

My name is Michelle Howard and I’ve got a testimony! Thank God for His grace and mercy, as Psalm 34:9 says, “O fear the Lord, ye his saints: for there is no want to them that fear him.” Each year I believe there will be new hope and dreams that God is going to move mightily in our lives. 2020 was no different. After fasting and seeking the Lord at the beginning of a new year. The holy spirit spoke to me, at a time when I thought my mind was playing tricks on me. The word “season” kept coming to my thoughts. I shared with my husband, and I claimed it and referred to Ecclesiastes 3. I prayed, “Lord don’t forget about me in this season.” Shortly, God blessed my husband with a new job – one that his heart desired.  

We were praying for a while; however, we both had our prior jobs in the pandemic. Then I kept praying; okay God you told the Pastor of your house we were going get fat. I need my spiritual nutrition and my husband and mom kept praying that I have to stay in his word and believe and trust whatever He said, it shall come to pass. God does not go back on his word; he shall supply all my needs according to his riches in glory.  

God gave me favor with my director and manager so I kept working in my previous job. My Mother was very vocal about me changing jobs along with my husband. God had a plan; I did not see it coming. I had a six-month appointment to see a retinal specialist. I did not want to go because my eyes seemed okay at that time. When my appointment was getting closer, my eyes began to hurt, burn, and they were also teary. There was no way I could miss this appointment.  

I gave them my referral and why I was there. Whatever I said, God sure changed my language and configured my speech, so he heard a knowledgeable and well-rounded patient. The Doctor Assistant was impressed about how much I knew medically, that’s when he realized I had a little experience in the ophthalmic field. He then requested my resume and said, “If you are interested, I know some friends who would be interested in you. He did not ask if I had a job which I did, and I left the office wondering if I was hearing correctly. I told my Husband and he was excited and said, “What’s there to lose you have job lets send your email as requested.”  

I remembered Hebrew 10:23, “Let us hold fast the profession of our faith without wavering;(for he is faithful that promise;)” Two months later I received an email for an interview, after which I was introduced by the Director to a few employees, and I was also given a tour of the offices. Two weeks later I was employed during the pandemic while others were without a job. My new place of employment was closer to home.  

God blessed me right on time so my mom could celebrate his goodness along with my husband and I. God did not forget me or take a vacation in my season. He is on time God be blessed in Jesus’ name. And that’s my testimony!