The Devil is a Liar!

John 8:44 

Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it. 

More than eight years after her death, I can hear my mother threatening to whip me vigorously for using the word “lie” or calling someone a “liar”.  It just was not allowed.  Probably because of the destructive, evil, and demonic impacts lies have on people. 

Just take a few moments and consider the impact of some of the more widely discovered lies we have heard.  The lie that Adolph Hitler and the Nazis didn’t really kill more than six million Jews.  The justification for slavery as a result of the curse placed on Cush.  The 2020 presidential election was stolen.  Elvis Pressley is still alive.  When people tell lies, it is bad.  What’s even worse is when someone believes it. 

As a result of the lie about the Holocaust, hatred and the spread of Nazism continue to this day.  Because of the lie about people of color, specifically of African descent, the Church secretly (and sometimes openly) promoted slavery and white supremacy.  Thousands of anarchists stormed the Capital of the United States, because they believed they could overturn the election. 

God has always been on the side of the truth.  Jesus told the disciples that He was the way, the truth, and the life (John 14:6).  The devil has been lying since he deceived Adam and Eve in the Garden, and he is still lying today. 

The devil lied through the Roman soldiers and the Jewish leaders when they concocted a conspiracy that the disciples stole Jesus’ body (Matthew 28:11-15).  The devil lied when he told you that you were ugly (Psalms 139:14), weak (II Corinthians 12:10), and God would never forgive you (I John 1:8-9).  The fact of the matter is the devil is a habitual liar and he always lies – there is no truth in him. 

In the referenced text, Jesus is shaming his forever nemesis, the Pharisees.  They were continually attempting to entrap Him.  They pretended to be truth seekers, but they did not want to accept the truth.  First, they brought the adulterous woman to Jesus, then they argued that they were descendants and followers of Abraham.  Jesus challenged them because He told them that if they were true offspring of Abraham, they would accept Him as the Messiah, because before Abraham was, He was.  Because they (the Pharisees) refused to accept the truth by faith, they were actually children of the one who promotes lies – the devil. 

There is a dangerous lie being spread today.  In fact, Peter spoke of it (II Peter 3:4-11).  Peter begins the chapter reminding his readers that since the days of old, the prophets had spoken of the day of the Lord.  He then warns us that in the last days, people would become scoffers –  mocking and making fun of our moral and religious beliefs.  They would question the return of our Savior and tease us of our convictions – don’t believe the lie!  Peter continues to affirm that Jesus will return and rapture away the Church.  Peter encourages us to look forward and prepare for that blessed day! 

My friends, the main reason a person lies is because they don’t want to face the truth.  The truth is, God loves us.  The truth is, we are more than conquerors.  The truth is, we can do all things through Christ who strengthens us.  The truth is, if you have received Jesus Christ as your Savior, your name is written in the Lambs Book of Life.  The truth is, of all these things I just mentioned, the devil cannot ever enjoy them.  He is angry and he has decided to lie to you to prevent you from enjoying them.  Today, he has been exposed – the devil is a liar!! 

I bless you in the name of the Lord!