The Greatest Gift!

Matthew 1:21 – “And she shall bring forth a son, and thou shalt call his name JESUS: for he shall save his people from their sins.” 

Over the years, I have written several blogs and articles regarding Christmas.  Many of you probably know that I absolutely love Christmas and believe in celebrating it to the fullest extent possible.  If you pass by my home, you’ll find several lights and decorations.  If you come inside, you will find several Christmas trees and wreaths on every floor of the house (I even hang mistletoe for Mrs. Pruitte and me).  I know some of you will declare that I have left holiness and I have bought into the commercialism of Christmas, but as long as I know Jesus, and have been born again – I’m good. 

I am one of those persons who love giving the perfect gift (I don’t like to give gift cards and money).  I try to assess the person and give them something that reflects who they are and what they mean to me.  I really try to give a gift that demonstrates my love for them, and it doesn’t matter if they get me anything or not. 

My immediate family and church family can attest that I love giving gifts – in fact, I give gifts throughout the year.  Birthdays, graduations, anniversaries and more.  I just love people and I enjoy showing that love in a tangible way (my wife says gifts and acts of kindness are two of my love languages). 

Imagine in your mind what God did for mankind – He so loved us that He gave His only begotten son.  I like to think of God having me in mind and contemplating what He should give me.  I suppose that He could have given me great wealth, but I would have wasted it and ended up in hell without anything (money is of no use in the grave).  I suppose He could have made me a great king and conqueror.  But as soon as I died (or perhaps before), I would not have had the wisdom or compassion to be an effective leader.  What did God do? 

He looked down the road – before I was formed in my mother’s womb.  He started planning before He laid the foundations of the world.  He saw that I would need a Savior to deliver me out of sin and baptize me in the Holy Spirit.  He knew I couldn’t make it on my own, and so He gave me the best gift anyone could ever imagine. 

So that is why I celebrate Christmas to the extent that I do.  People are funny that way.  A sporting team wins a championship and the city holds a ticker-tape parade, and a million people show up (sometimes in freezing temperatures).  A movie sequel is released, and people show up days in advance to stand in line to purchase a ticket.  A new cellular telephone is introduced, and people fight over who will be the first one in their neighborhood.  A disgruntled politician loses an election, and thousands of people storm the United States Capital to overturn the electoral count.  If people don’t complain about that, don’t call me a pagan. 

There is an account in the Scripture when the disciples and the people were celebrating Jesus, and the Pharisees and Sadducees complained to Jesus that His followers were making too much noise.  I am sure that some would rather not sit by me in worship because I am a noisy worshipper.  Why?  Because I am the recipient of the greatest gift imaginable! 

On behalf of Mrs. Pruitte, the Pruitte family and all of Holiness Tabernacle – MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!