Starting All Over Again!

II Corinthians 5:17 – Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new. 

Can you believe it?  We have crossed into a brand-new year and 2021 is in our “rear-view” mirror.  As I grow older, I realize more and more that time waits on no man.  There is something special about a new year that I believe we all look forward to.  Perhaps it’s an opportunity to catch a breath after the hustle and bustle of Christmas.  Maybe it’s the children returning to school after Christmas break.  Maybe it’s the time of consecration at our local church.  For me it is the latter (consecration) and a sense that I can get a fresh start. 

I was in middle school when I was introduced to track and field (I ran the 50-yard dash and the 440 and 880 relay).  When we lined up for the sprinting events, we had to place our foot in a device referred to as a “starting block”.  The purpose of the block is to ensure that all the competitors started at the same time.  If someone left the block early, an alarm would sound, and everyone had to return to their block and start over.  There is a similar allowance in golf.  If a player hits a bad shot, their opponent may allow a “mulligan”, which simply means a do-over.  In our walk with Jesus, his grace and mercy afford us the same opportunity. 

In Paul’s second letter to the believers in Corinth, he begins chapter 5 by explaining to his audience that one day, the believer will discard their earthly bodies, and exchange them with new bodies that are incorruptible.  Later he explains that we have already gone through a similar experience spiritually.  When we accept salvation, our old man dies spiritually, and we are reborn by faith in Jesus through the Holy Spirit.  In a sense, God gives us a do-over, or a mulligan.  It does not matter what we have done. God, because of His mercy and grace, gives us a brand-new start. 

The Lord blessed me tremendously in 2021.  I grew closer to Him, and I feel stronger in my faith than I have ever felt before.  However, I did not do everything perfectly in 2021.  The Holy Ghost has shown me several areas where I can improve.  Even more important, I don’t have to wait until January 1st, 2022.  I can ask God here and now to forgive me and give me another opportunity to walk closer to Him and strive for perfection (maturity) in Jesus.  I am looking forward to a great year in 2022.  I am looking forward to “…forgetting those things which are behind, and pressing toward the high calling…”.  I am looking forward to fasting and praying with the saints.  Even more importantly, I don’t have to wait, I can start over again right now! 

From Mrs. Pruitte and the saints at Holiness Tabernacle – Happy New Year!