The Spirit of Disrespect

Matthew 13:58; Mark 6:5; Numbers 12:1-3

Respect!Raise your hands if you’ve noticed how the simple art of respect has plummeted in our society. Remember when it was a given that people would address you with Sir or Ma’am? For a youth, it was automatic. Now, we get the yea or what when we address them. Remember when you were taught as a child not to interrupt adults? Those rules have for the most part vanished from our society.

People say I am old-fashioned, but I was taught not to address saints by their first name; it was, Brother Smith or Sister Green. Today, we say that is not necessary. We’ve seen the effects that disrespect has in our classroom – students threaten the teachers and as a result, our kids do not learn. Among our national leaders, congressmen don’t have a problem with yelling out (during the President’s State of the Union Address), “You liar,” then have the audacity to defend their actions.

At one time, the office of the pastor was a highly respected and honored position. Now, members talk back to the pastor (in his presence and behind his back to others). Did we forget what David said when the servant lied about slaying King Saul: Touch not my anointed, and do my prophets no harm (I Chronicles 16:22)? We are hemorrhaging from a spirit of disrespect! I was speaking with a pastor friend of mine; we came to the conclusion that people with a spirit of disrespect limit their access to God’s power and blessings.

Notice in the scripture text (Matthew 13:58 and Mark 6:5) Jesus’ miracle performing ministry was limited because of the people’s disrespect. In Mark’s account, the first few verses record the conversations of Nazareth. Isn’t this the carpenter, son of Mary and brother f James and Joses, Juda and Simon? Don’t we know his sisters? Then it says they were offended by him (v3). In other words they did not believe in him, thus they disrespected him. Jesus (who could read their minds) explains the problem; a prophet is without honor in his own country. Therefore, other than healing a few people, His ministry was limited.

In our other text, Aaron and Miriam had a problem excepting Moses leadership – most notably; his choice of a spouse. Notice how the Bible records as they murmured against Moses and the Lord heard it (Numbers 12:2). What was the result? Miriam was stricken with leprosy and Moses had to pray for her healing. However, she was isolated from the group during her sickness. Aaron was later stripped of his office before the people (Numbers 20:28).

Let me encourage you today – rebuke the spirit of disrespect out of yourself and everywhere you see it rear its ugly head!! God wants to pour out and use us in an awesome way, but if we are disrespectful, we will limit our level of growth in God. Even if the leader is wrong, don’t disrespect them. You don’t have to follow them into sin, but we do not have a license to dishonor them – just ask David.

My friend, we can begin to turn this epidemic around. Let’s make it our business to respect our leaders and one another. Let’s see what the Lord will do in us. We can play our part by teaching our children to honor their parents, teachers and police officers. We can encourage our co-workers to respect the supervisor. We can encourage our friends to honor their spouses and neighbors. And yes, we can honor and respect everyone! Yes Ma’am, Yes Sir!


  1. Cornelius Wesley

    I’m a pastor and I too see this widespread epidemic of disrespect among God’s people. I’m agreeing in prayer with you that the Spirit of God deliver the people of God from this spirit so we can be about kingdom business.

    May God bless, prosper, and give you greater success in your ministry.

  2. Michelle Thorpe

    Yes, I agree also. Holiness has not been taught in this generation so respect has gone out the window. I just prayed for God to get the disrespectful people out of my life before reading your post

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