What I Like About School!

Summer has ended and the young scholars of Holiness Tabernacle have returned to the classroom! We asked our youth what they’ve enjoyed about the new school year so far – some of their answers may surprise you! 

Navy P. (Age 6) 

“I don’t know what the best part of school is yet, but I got to be the line leader! I like being the line leader because the line leader gets to lead all the lines to lunch and everywhere.”  

Maat D. (Age 15) 

“High school is really good! I was elected president of the freshman class! And I got a part in the play.”  

Benjamin P. (Age 7) 

“We get to have fun and we get to go to the cafeteria. The best part about school is that we go to the library and have pizza on Fridays. We also have computer class!” 

Metheru D. (Age 15) 

“I won freshman secretary and I’m also in the play. I’m also designing the costumes!” 

Nicholas B. (Age 12) 

“Middle school is not that exciting (but it’s kind of exciting). I get to see my friends. We went to the science lab. We’ve had one test in civics, and we had a math quiz. It’s a lot different than elementary school, but I wouldn’t go back to elementary school!”  

Jonathan P. (Age 6) 

“What I like about school so far is that we get two recesses and lunch!” 

Melanisis D. (Age 13) 

“So far, 8th grade has been boring. But my best class so far has been science!” 

Aleena L. (Age 6) 

“I’m learning Spanish in school, and I like it! My teacher is nice and I’m having a good year.” 

Sincere M. (Age 5) 

“I like that we play at recess and have fun all the time. And we eat!” 

Plum P. (Age 11) 

“Elementary school is going pretty good – it’s been an experience. There is 900+ kids and I stay on the steps watching 250 going up the stairs. Lunch and recess are good, but school can be overwhelming. Fourth grade was easy, but fifth grade is punching me in the face, lol! It’s super loud! I’d rather stay virtual. But I did make some new friends.” 

Gabrielle P. (Age 3) 

“I like school and I like when we go to the playground. It’s fun playing with my friend, Mila.”  

Ahlissea M. (4) 

“I do home school at home and it’s fun! I do my homework too. I like to draw – I can draw a heart and an apple.” 

It sounds like the first few weeks of school were quite a whirlwind of adventure and activity for our young students. Let’s keep them lifted in prayer. May God’s protection, favor, academic excellence and love will cover and keep them throughout the year!