97th Annual Holy Convocation Recap

The First Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction of Virginia Church Of God In Christ – 97th Annual Holy Convocation

Perhaps you’re too young, but are you familiar with the song lyrics, “Put your mind on Jesus, we’re going to have a time)”? Well if you are, there is a verse that says, “When the saints get together (we’re going to have a time). Talkin’ ‘bout a good time (we’re going to have a time).” Well that pretty much sums up the First Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction of Virginia Church Of God In Christ 97th Annual Holy Convocation!

We began Sunday, August 21 with a 40 hour shut-in. In a day when people are committing less time to the essential ingredients, Bishop Thomas and the saints of Virginia #1 gathered for prayer and fasting for forty consecutive hours: beginning just before midnight on Sunday night until Tuesday afternoon. One of the most memorable events occurred on Tuesday afternoon while Bishop Thomas was teaching the saints about holy living – we experienced an earthquake! Even as the floor shook and the walls wavered, the saints continued to worship.

Tuesday evening was another historic service. An 87 voice male chorus marched in and worshipped the Lord in song – it was awesome! As I glanced around the choir (I participated as well) I noticed several members from the HTC Male Chorus and my heart was made glad. I was made proud even more proud when Bishop Thomas stood and beamed as he took pictures. When he addressed the congregants, he said he was inspired to permit the jurisdictional male chorus after visiting Holiness Tabernacle and hearing our male chorus. Praise be to God! Just when we thought it couldn’t get any better, Dr. Rance Allen delivered an anointed Word from the Lord – “Let’s Pull it Together.”

The following nights the Lord blessed us over and over again through Evangelist Joyce Rodgers and Bishop Prince Bryant. 

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Friday morning the Women’s Department led the services. We were blessed as our own Jurisdictional Supervisor, Mother Nellie Townes, blessed our souls with some good old fashioned teaching. To demonstrate their support, several supervisors and bishop’s wives from neighboring jurisdictions were in attendance. At the conclusion of the service, HTC’s own Missionary Andrea Mabry was elevated to the office of Evangelist Missionary!

Sometime during Friday night, hurricane Irene visited, but that did not deter the saints of Virginia First. We gathered bright and early Saturday morning for our communion and ordination services. Pastor Stephen Thomas of the South Norfolk District stirred our souls with a message admonishing us to take ministry seriously. Then I was blessed again to witness HTC’s own Minister John Mabry be elevated and ordained to the office of elder. Bless our God! Less I fail to mention, we worshipped God without electricity in the church – but the Lord met us!

Sunday morning found the saints gathering again to praise God without electricity in the building – it seemed to encourage us to worship God even more fervently. I believe wholeheartedly in supporting the vision of my pastor, so it did my heart glad to hear Bishop Thomas announce that Holiness Tabernacle placed second among all the churches in the jurisdiction for the number of Convocation registrations. The jurisdictional choir sang under the anointing and Bishop Thomas preached a powerful Word. From Matthew chapter 6 we were encouraged to get to know Jesus by taking up His yoke. The saints worshipped God so mightily the building seemed to rock again, but it wasn’t an earthquake, it wasn’t a hurricane, it was to power of God! Bishop Joseph Clemens – a visiting speaker summed it up best when he gave closing remarks. “It seems as though the Lord allowed the power to remain off, so that the real Power would be poured out.” Yes – we had a hand clappin’, foot stompin’ good time at the 97th Annual Holy Convocation!