Positioned To Receive

II Kings 2:10

We just experienced one of the greatest revivals in the 13 year history of our local Church, conducted by Elder Robert Chambers of St. George Beth-el COGIC in Flint, Michigan. The Lord poured out on us richly. We saw a soul baptized with the Holy Ghost, souls saved and people healed – it was awesome!! On the last night of the revival, as the evangelist preached, I heard him say a word that sparked a message in my heart – and that word was "Position." For the next couple of days my mind was filled with Words from the Lord on the need for the people of God to get back into position to receive from God.

Think about it. God has always made ways and provided for His people. He doesn’t want us to just exist, but He wants us to prosper (III John 1:2). Did He not proclaim that He came that we might have life and life more abundantly (John 10:10)? Doesn’t Jeremiah record that He has great thoughts and an expected end for us (Jer 29:11)? I’ll go even further – the enemy cannot prevent us from receiving from God! Yes, that’s right. I’ve got Bible for it!

Do you remember Satan’s conversation with the Lord concerning Job? God expressed His pleasure of Job’s exemplary life. Satan challenged Job’s sincerity and claimed if God allowed him to first take Job’s wealth, and later Job’s health, Job would turn from God. God set limits on how much Satan could afflict Job. My point is, Satan could only go so far without God’s permission – and the same rule applies to us today. Remember, no weapon formed against us shall prosper. . . (Isaiah 54:17). Didn’t Jesus say the gates of hell shall not prevail against His Church? (Matt. 16:18). Saints of God – the fact is no one can stop you from receiving from God but you. Over and over again the Bible records God’s desire to bless us: (Deut 28; Psalm 66:12; Prov 13:22; Mark 10:30); and the enemy knows he cannot stop it except we help him – and unfortunately, we do.

The Lord showed me how we assist the enemy in limiting our potential by getting out of position to receive from God. I was reminded of a couple of personalities in the scriptures: Simeon and Anna (Luke 2:25-36). Both were seniors who had been promised by God that they would not die until they saw the Messiah. They went to the Temple daily until they finally met the Christ child! How about Zacchaeus who climbed a sycamore tree (he was horizontally challenged) in order to see Jesus. Because of his effort he not only met Jesus, but his entire family was saved. Surely you have read about Elisha. The Scriptures record that despite being discouraged by those persons of the school of prophets (that means they were "church folks"), he continued to follow Elijah until he was there when the chariot of fire took him up and Elisha received a double portion of his leader’s spirit.

So, you might ask – how do I get out of position? I would like to suggest a few tools the enemy uses:

  • Distractions: Remember Lot’s wife (Genesis 19) – she was distracted by her former lifestyle. Stay focused on what God has called you to do.
  • Discouragement: Even after his great victory on Mount Carmel, Elijah was frightened and discouraged when he heard Jezebel had issued a warrant for his arrest (I Kings 19).
  • Unfaithfulness: Both Simeon and Anna received from God because they were faithful in the adherence to God’s way. Anna stayed in the church night and day (Luke 2:25-36)!
  • Slowfulness: While you won’t find this word in the dictionary – I believe you know what I am referring to. Some people are just too slow – but the work of God requires haste. I have found that people who are perennially late not only have a time management issue, they also have a problem with prioritization. The lame man used as an excuse that he had no one to put him in the water when the angel came (John 5). However, when Jesus asked him if he wanted to be made whole, the lame man never says yes! He seemed to put more emphasis on complaining about his situation than looking to the one who could deliver him out of his situation!
  • Foolish Decisions: I cannot stress enough the importance of taking advice from foolish or unproven people. Why in the world did the young prophet accept the invitation from the false prophet (I Kings 13)? Why do people with marital problems take advice from singles or people who are divorced? Why would someone who is struggling financially take counsel from someone they have loaned money to? Why do children ignore their parents and take advice from their peers? Why did Rehoboam listen to his contemporaries and not the older wise people (I Kings 12:6-16)?

My dear brother and sister in Christ – recognize who you are in God. Take control of your lives and get back into your rightful place in God! Remember the parable of the prodigal son? After making a huge mistake and leaving his father – he made it worse by blowing all of his inheritance. He made an even greater mistake when he took a job feeding and living with pigs. But thank God he came to himself. He decided his present state was so despicable that he would return to the place where he belonged. As soon as he decided to return to his rightful position – he was received with open arms by his father and restored!! Don’t let anyone mislead you. Don’t let anyone discourage you. You haven’t fallen too far. You haven’t sinned too much. You just need to get back into position!! I bless you in the name of the Lord!