1st Lady’s Blog – Needful Things

As women we tend to struggle with trying to do everything that we feel needs to be done. “Things can’t wait, they must be done now” is our motto. We become very impatient when we don’t see people move as fast as we would like. Martha in the bible has this very same problem. When Jesus arrives at her house, she feels that it is necessary to do all she can to serve Him. She goes about trying to cook the meal, prepare the table, and wears herself out in the process. She gets mad at her sister, Mary, for not helping her and even asks Jesus to reprimand her. She probably thought, “Mary should share her burden of making sure everything was perfect.”

Mary on the other hand is not troubled like Martha (nor is she bothered by her). She lies quietly at the feet of Jesus and allows Him to minister to her. What Mary understands, and what Martha does not, is that at that particular moment, Jesus came to serve, not be served. He explains to Martha that Mary chose the one thing that was needful (Luke 10:38:42). Jesus goes on to explain to Martha that what Mary was doing would be lasting, as opposed to the meal that would perish in a day.

At The Feet Of JesusIn our lives, we must decide what is the most important thing we need to do in that particular moment. We must ask ourselves what is and is not important. It is so hard for us as women to just let some things go because we feel that it will go undone forever. When I was a young bride, I had to let my college degree go in order to be a mother to my children. It was a hard decision but it was best at the time. I now see the benefit of having been there for my children when they were young. When they got older, it was my time to pursue a degree. I was able to achieve that goal with my now older children helping and coaching me.

Although I thought years ago that I would never be able to obtain my degree, I see now that it just was not the needful thing to do at the time. Thank God that He has now blessed me to achieve it. So ladies I encourage you to pray and ask God for the needful thing in your life and strive for it. Never mind about the meaningless things that are left undone.