Anointed to be Different

“And that ye may put difference between holy and unholy, and between unclean and clean;”
Leviticus 10:10

“Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you.”
II Corinthians 6:17

“But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvelous light;”
I Peter 2:9

My wife and I just returned from a belated wedding anniversary trip – we traveled to Cozumel, Mexico. One day we decided to visit one of their many beautiful beaches. Now some of you may know I cannot swim – at all! Water terrifies me to no end.  My wife on the other hand is an excellent swimmer. Well, she convinced me to wade into the Caribbean Sea (only until the water reached my shins) so she would not have to swim alone. And being the nice husband that I am, I agreed.

At first the water felt cold. As soon as my feet touched the sea, I felt this chill that raced through my body.  My mind was screaming, “Get out!” However, I had made an agreement. After a few minutes, my body adjusted to the sea and I ventured out a little further. With each step that I took, my body would go through a period where the cold water seemed unbearable – then my body would adjust and I would go a little further. Before long, I was up to my waist in the Caribbean Sea. It was then that I felt the nudging of the Holy Spirit, “This is what has happened to the Church.”

Have you noticed how tolerant the Holiness Church has become? There was a time when certain lifestyles, musical sounds, clothing styles and behaviors were unacceptable. There was a time when you could identify a “saint” merely by the way they dressed or spoke – but not so any more. There was a time when gospel music sounded like gospel music. When you heard a gospel song, it put you in the spirit of worshipping God – not doing the Dougie! What has happened? Much like me in the waters of the Caribbean Sea, we have adapted to the ways of the world – a little bit at a time.

The Scriptures are quite clear – we’re told in Leviticus 10:10 to make a “difference between holy and unholy.”  We are told in II Corinthians 6:17 to “come out from among them and be ye separate.” Yet why do I encounter so many “Christians” whose best friends do not accept Christ as their Savior? Why do Christians still go online and date non-Christians? Why do Christians desire to be like those who exhibit ungodly lives?

Why do we want our children to be great athletes and celebrities like Michael Jordan, Mohammed Ali, Michael Jackson or Oprah Winfrey, and not accomplished saints like Bishop Charles Blake, Dr. Mattie Moss Clark or Bishop G. E. Patterson? It is because we have allowed ourselves to become accustomed to the world and the things of the world. Didn’t the Scriptures tell us to “love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him.”?

I have been labeled as “old school” or old fashioned. I admit, I still have not joined the “texting” generation. I do not have a Facebook page. I do not blog or tweet (or is it twit?). I would still rather talk to you face to face than through email. I still believe a man should marry only one woman and stay married to her until one of them dies. I still believe a man should work and support his family. I still open doors for not only my wife, but any female or elderly person. I still believe in fasting every Tuesday and Friday. I still believe a child should honor their parents. I still believe true saints of God honor leadership and submit to godly authority. And yes, I still believe marriage should be between one man and one woman. Call me old school and old fashioned – but for me I just choose to be different.

God told Israel that if they would serve Him and turn from serving other gods, He would bless their children, crops, households and nation. God said if we would turn from the ungodly ways, He would cause it to rain in the due season. He promised that if Israel, meaning God’s people, would obey Him, they would chase their enemies and no nation would be able to stand before them. God really wants to elevate His people. He really wants to shower His best on us, but only if we dare to turn our backs on the world and take a stand for holiness. We must decide to be like God. We must make a conscious decision to walk away from anything and anyone that turns our hearts or minds against God. We must return to the state of mind where the ungodliness of this world detests us. We must become so much like Jesus Christ until we not only hate sin, but we hate sin in our families, in our homes and even in ourselves. We must seek God until we become uncomfortable around ungodliness and it becomes uncomfortable around us.

Thank God I came to my senses and got out of that water. I am sure I looked rather odd – out there on the beach with everyone swimming except me. I am sure some people were thinking, “Why is he on the beach and not getting in the water?” Their stares did not bother me at all – that is because I am anointed to be different!

I bless you in the name of the Lord!

Elder Eddie B Pruitte, Jr.
Pastor & Founder, Holiness Tabernacle COGIC