Yet it pleased the LORD to bruise him; he hath put him to grief: when thou shalt make his soul an offering for sin, he shall see his seed, he shall prolong his days, and the pleasure of the LORD shall prosper in his hand (Is. 53:10).
Blessed be the name of the Lord. On March 21, 2012 my wife and I became the proud grandparents of an eight pound eleven ounce baby girl – Plum Marie Paxton. What an amazing experience – it was one of the most exhilarating evenings I have ever been a part of and will forever be in my mind.
We received the call early that morning – our daughter and son-in-law were preparing to go to the hospital. After months of anticipation, the baby decided today was the day. My wife sprang into action and pulled out the hospital bag she had prepared weeks in advance.
Around 7:00 p.m. that evening, we had all gathered in the lobby and awaited the announcement. My wife and son-in-law were in the room with our daughter and my three other daughters and I came up and said hello. I looked at my eldest daughter’s face, and her evident discomfort, and immediately I was ready to go. As much as I loved my daughter, I did not want to be around to see her in pain. As I went downstairs, I thought about our Lord.
The Scripture records that when Jesus was hanging from the cross, He cried out with a loud voice, “My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?” Many people theorize that the Father turned His back from His only begotten Son because He could not bear to see Him in pain. My wife reacted quite differently, however.
During the delivery, my wife sent us updates, encouraging us to pray for our daughter and the baby. As we read her emails and text messages, you could almost sense her excitement. After the birth of Miss Plum, we were invited to come upstairs. As soon as I saw my granddaughter, I literally wanted to cry – what a beautiful child.
As we were driving home, my wife began to give me details of the birthing experience. Although I was in the delivery room for the births of our daughters and I am familiar with the birth process, I still began to cringe a little when my wife described the evening’s events. She on the other hand seemed as pleased as ever. As she spoke, the passage in Isaiah 53 came to mind.
The prophet stated that it pleased the Father to bruise His Son. How and why would that be? I believe as my wife looked past the obvious pain our daughter was feeling, she knew what the pain would bring forth – new life. The Father knew His Son was experiencing pain – but He also knew you and I would be birthed into the kingdom of God as a result of His Son’s suffering!
What parent in their right mind would enjoy seeing their child suffer pain and agony? What parent would take pleasure in seeing their child cry out and bleed and not offer to help them? What parent would look forward and actually assist in seeing their child punished? The answer is the type of parent my wife is – the kind of parent the Father is – a parent that has the wisdom to look beyond the existing pain, and see a life that will be produced as a result of that pain.
Child of God – as we celebrate this season of Resurrection, remember not only the sacrifice the Son made, but also remember and praise the Father for having the wisdom, foresight and love to allow His only begotten Son to suffer, that you and I might live!
I bless you in the name of the Lord!
Eddie B Pruitte, Jr.
Holiness Tabernacle COGIC, Pastor & Founder
PS: Dedicated to Ms. Plum Marie Paxton (and her parents, Dr. and Mrs. Napoleon C. Paxton).