Let’s Crossover To The Other Side

Mark 4:35-41

CrossoverA few weeks ago I was favored to address the Great Northern District during our 45th Annual District Meeting. The Lord truly favored us and many of the saints told me that they were blessed with the Word that was spoken that night:  I thought I would share it with you.

In this particular text, Jesus and the disciples were probably ministering in Capernaum or Bethesda when He suggested that they crossover to the other side of the lake. He did not specify to them why they should. He did not say anything was wrong. He did not speak to a specific need. He just told the disciples that they should crossover.

Now the Lake of Galilee (i.e. Sea of Galilee, Lake Tiberius or Lake Gennesaret), was a very integral part of the everyday lives of Jesus and the disciples. Jesus often ministered in or around this body of water. In fact, He met and called four of His disciples who made their living (in the fishing industry) from this body of water.

A mountainous or hilly terrain existed on one side of this lake and a low lying valley terrain was on the other. As a result of these geographical conditions, sudden and violent storms often occurred.

As the group made their way across the water (in what should have taken 2 to 3 hours), Jesus decided to take a nap. While resting, however, a violent storm arose, frightening the disciples.  We can assume this storm had to have been quite violent because several of the disciples were former fishermen and they should have been used to storms on the lake. This storm, however, must have been more volatile than others because they thought they were going to drown (the Bible records that as water was coming into the boat, the disciples complained to Jesus that they were going to perish).

As I read this account, the Spirit spoke to me out of these scriptures. The lake is symbolic of that obstacle that keeps us in a stagnant or complacent state. How many of us are guilty of sitting or staying in a position when we know God had called us to move or do something? How many of us sit in our seats during worship service and we see a need we can address, but we don’t. How many of us have heard the call of God, had a dream or received prophecy from the Lord, and we have not acted on it? I say to you, it’s time to crossover to the other side.

It is so easy to become comfortable or become “drunk in our success.” The work of the Lord, however, requires decisive, prayerful and Spirit-led decisions. His work is so important that sedimentary minds are often left behind. Note, as I said earlier, it was not that where they were was so terrible; as far as we know, they were enjoying a reasonable amount of success where they were (as if Jesus failed at anything). The point is, Jesus said it was time to move!

Child of God, when we decide to move out for the Lord, we are going to face opposition – expect a storm. Expect challenges and confrontation. That is because the enemy does not want us to obey the Lord. He knows there is growth and anointing forthcoming when we obey the Lord. The enemy knows his plans and devices are going to be defeated every time we obey God. Regarding the opposition – don’t worry about it. If God told us to move, He is on board with us. He never sends us anywhere alone. He promised us that He would never leave us nor forsake. He said that He is with us always, even until the end of the world.

Child of God – rebuke the fear, doubt and sense of inadequacy now! Why? Because as soon as we crossover we will likely face another challenge, just as the disciples did when they faced Legion. But because they had obeyed God, they were in position to bless this man and all those on that side of the lake.

My brother, there is a soul that needs your ministry, but where you are – you will never reach them. My sister, there is a situation God has anointed you to conquer, but from where you, are you will never get the job done.

Now, I beseech you in the name of the Lord Jesus, let’s crossover to the other side. For on the other side, the praise is greater. On the other side, the victory awaits us. On the other side, our healing is waiting. On the other side, there is a soul that needs our attention. I cannot speak for you – but I am crossing over!!

I bless you in the name of the Lord.