Little Becomes Much – July 09 WOTM

Little Becomes Much . . .
When You Place It In God’s Hands

We live in a very superficial world. We judge books, and people, by their cover. Oftentimes we believe the saying “What you see is what you get,” but it’s really not that simple. The world believes in BIG things and if you’re not doing it big, you’re not doing it at all! But doing it BIG is based on what THEY can do, instead of what God can do. On the other hand, “little” has become a derogatory word today and is used to limit someone or one’s self. We often overlook the impact “little” things have in our lives. If you have a “little” money, the world says that you’re insignificant . . . It’s All About The Benjamin’s! If you’re small in stature, the world says that you’re insignificant . . . Little People, Big World. If you’re low man on the totem pole at work, you’re generally considered to be insignificant. “Bigger is Better,” the world says, and “The more I get, the better off I’ll be.”

Even in the church, “little” barely gets noticed. The people of God have become driven by quantity over quality, titles over integrity, compromise over holiness. If you don’t have a title, you’re service is often taken for granted. If you have a small congregation, your ministry is often overlooked. If you’re from a small town/city, you’re often disregarded. The love of numbers has caused many to go astray.

But Psalm 37:16 states “A little that a righteous man hath is better than the riches of many wicked.” The world believes that “little” just doesn’t amount to anything because it bases its opinion on what we can do for ourselves, but to God, your “little” can become much when placed in God’s hand! In Judges 7, Gideon started with 32,000 men to fight against the Midianites and God felt that there were too many. After doing some pruning, God led 300 men to victory over the Midianites. In 1 Samuel 17, the giant Goliath mocked God and the children of Israel for forty days and struck fear into the hearts of the entire army. David, the youngest of 8 sons and a “little” shepherd boy, grew angry when he heard Goliath mocking God. With five smooth stones, God helped David slay Goliath and bring victory to the Children of Israel. In John 6, after ministering to 5000 men, not including women and children, Jesus wanted to feed the people because they were faint. No one had money to feed that amount of people, but a little boy had 2 fish and 5 loaves of bread. After the lad was willing to give his lunch to help the cause, Jesus took the lunch, fed all of the people, and had enough left over to fill twelve baskets. “Little” can become MUCH when you place it in God’s hands.

As Christians, we must remember that it’s not about what YOU have, but about what He can do with what you have! Faith the size of a mustard seed can move mountains, but three things generally hinder God from doing great things on your behalf: 1) Sin and self-doubt, 2) junk you carry from other people, and 3) limited outlook. Our “little” can become much if we 1) repent of our sins and hope in God (1 Peter 1:21), 2) Stop allowing others to place limits on our “little” knowing that God is the one that formed us (Jer. 1:5), and 3) broaden your thoughts and dream big because God knows the plans that He has for you (Jer. 29:11).

Let God turn your “little” into MUCH!  God Bless!

Min. Eugene C. McCown, Jr.
HTC Men’s Ministry