Thank God for My Dad – and Thank God I’m a Dad

Happy Father’s Day to all of the fathers reading this article! I hope and pray yours was as good as mine. The day began with me having a word of prayer with my Savior, and then I called my dad, Elder Eddie B Pruitte, Sr. We talk nearly every day – not only is he a great guy, he’s one of my heroes. I called to wish him Happy Father’s Day and to make sure I got him the gift he most wanted. As we made conversation about our families, politics, sports and other issues, I found myself still in awe of my dad. I can remember like yesterday, watching him work seemingly untiringly to support our family.

During one stretch in my life he worked three jobs and I would only see him on the weekends (he left around 2:30 A.M and did not return until nearly 10:00 P.M.). But rest assured every Saturday morning he’d wake me up at 7:00 A.M. and we’d go to breakfast, then on to the barbershop where I’d shine shoes while he cut hair. Then every Sunday morning he’d wake me up again at 7:00 A.M. and we’d get ready for Sunday School.  He was always teaching me about manhood and to love God. Not so much with words, but by the things that he did. I never heard him curse my mother, or run down our pastor. He always seemed to know what to do:  how to fix the car, how to treat a woman and how to find a job. My dad could do anything. It wasn’t until much later in life I realized the source of his strength and wisdom – God!

Even today at seventy-eight years old, he is still the primary care giver for my mother (after fifty nine years of marriage) whose health has declined. He still serves as my brother’s Assistant Pastor, and always finds words to make me feel important and accomplished. Every day I find myself becoming more and more like my father, and for that I am grateful.

Today, I celebrated Father’s Day with many of you and all I can say is I am a blessed man. God gave me the perfect wife, four beautiful daughters, an intelligent and handsome son and two loving grandchildren. As the years pass and I see my family grow, numerically, spiritually and naturally, I am godly proud that God used me to be an instrument to procreate, provide and protect life. No one can do that but a father.

A few weeks ago I was undoubtedly the proudest and most blessed father on the face of the earth as I saw two of my daughters graduate from college on the same day!! I sat in the auditorium and beamed with pride knowing the Lord used me to shape and mold their lives.

Even today in worship service I was blessed to see my entire family involved in praising the Lord:  from playing the organ, to singing in the choir, to serving as a deacon, to working the sound room, to working in the finance room, to sitting on the front row, praying, supporting, looking as holy and as pretty as the first time I laid eyes on her. I am godly proud of the lives God has allowed me to impact as a father.

Unfortunately, too many men have forsaken their God given right to be a blessing to other people. Perhaps some of them did not have a father such as I. Perhaps some of them were deceived by the enemy. Whatever the reason, all I can say is I am forever in debt to God and my dad. So much so, that I intend to spend the rest of my days being a blessing to my dad as well as the family I have been blessed with. 

As I end this word article, I want to encourage every father. I want us to recapture that special gift and ability God reserved for us and us only – fatherhood. I would love for you to experience the joy of seeing your legacy continue. I would love for you to experience the joy of someone benefitting from your sacrifice and hard work. Doesn’t that sound like our Father who art in heaven? Well He wants us to continue what He started. My dad did it for me and I am striving to do this every day for my family. Now it’s your turn!

Happy Father’s Day – I bless you in the name of the Lord!

One Comment

  1. Alex Boyd

    Pastor Pruitte, it appears as though we share the same earthly father. Truly the greatest generation.

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