1st Lady’s Blog – Preparing For The Overflow Or This Light Bread

And the people spake against God, and against Moses, Wherefore have ye brought us up out of Egypt to die in the wilderness? for there is no bread, neither is there any water; and our soul loatheth this light bread (Numbers 21:5).

Light BreadI ran across this scripture one day as I was reading in the book of Numbers. I thought how ungrateful the children of Israel were to God after all He had done for them. After all, He was feeding them with fresh bread from heaven every day. Did they really want to go back to Egypt to be in bondage and to eat leeks and onions? There is no way would anyone in their right mind would want to do that, or so I thought.

Well, I have been on a journey this year that has positioned this scripture in a different light for me. I have found myself loathing this light bread. Of course I am not talking about manna from heaven, but in order for you to understand I must take you back to the beginning of my journey. Back in May, I made a decision that has drastically impacted my life. I embarked upon a journey that has been rewarding, but has also come with great sacrifice. And I use the word journey because I distinguish it from a trip. While they both involve reaching a final destination, a trip has an allotted time frame while a journey does not.

I was at the place where I was no longer happy with my weight and was tired of making excuses. I dreaded shopping for new clothes because my size kept increasing. When I got on my scale and saw a number I had never seen before – not even when I was nine months pregnant – I decided that the time had come to take some drastic measures. After visiting my doctor for a physical back in September 2011, he recommended that I lose about 50 pounds. I was outraged! Sure I needed to lose some weight, but I thought 50 pounds was a little excessive. He used words I have never heard before. He told me that I needed to get out of my family. I gave him an inquisitive look, to which he replied, “the diabetes, high cholesterol, and hypertension family.” Needless to say, his advice resonated with me. So after viewing that horrid number on my scale in May, I decided to take his advice and make some serious changes in my life.

I knew that I could not lose the weight by myself. I felt out of control and I needed help to accomplish this goal. I decided to go with the diet program my doctor recommended. I was very excited and motivated to do it. Once I discovered what the program entailed, however, I realized that it was not going to be an easy undertaking. I would have to deprive my body of the foods it was used to eating – some of which I may never be able to indulge in again. “What have I gotten myself into?” I thought. But I had to press forward, I could not go back. People started to ask me about my weight loss and I felt that since they were watching, I could not let myself or them down.

I am now about 12 weeks into the program and have lost about 26 pounds. I have seen a noticeable difference in clothes which I can no longer fit. I have also noticed that I have more energy and am able to do things I have not done in years. The program requires me to eat foods they call meal replacements; you and I would call it a very light snack. The other day as I was getting ready to bite into yet another meal replacement bar I found myself saying, “I am beginning to loathe this light bread.” As the words crossed my lips my mind went immediately to where I had seen those words before. I was always critical of the children of Israel for saying that about the manna God so graciously provided. This light bread is what sustained them on their journey through the wilderness and prepared them to receive the overflow in a better and wealthier place. Here I was on my journey to a better and healthier me and yet I was complaining about this light bread that was conditioning and preparing me for my overflow. I knew then that it was time for me to change my thinking. While this journey has had its peaks and valleys, it has been rewarding. I feel so much better about myself. I look and feel differently, I have a greater outlook on life and have improved my health dramatically. I am ready for my overflow! 

How can one actually prepare for an overflow? The best way is to empty out as much as you can to enormously increase your receiving potential. If you are full, you will not be able to capture as much. I urge you not to loathe this light bread you are experiencing; this is just part of the purging process God has to perform in your life in order for you to achieve your overflow of blessings. As I have been purging my body of junk foods and replacing them with healthier ones, I have found that I no longer crave the fatty ones. In turn, as God purges us from the junk we have been feeding our souls and replaces them with His goodness, we will find that we will no longer miss the junk. In closing, I admonish you to prepare for your overflow and loathe not this light bread.