On July 19-21, the women of Holiness Tabernacle Church Of God In Christ celebrated their Annual Women’s Weekend. To say that the power of God moved throughout the Weekend would be an understatement! Strongholds were broken, healing was in the room, the Word was preached and all in attendance left the services having received from the Lord. It was truly an awesome experience!
Yet to those unacquainted with the fine details of preparing for the Saturday Tea and Sunday Annual Day service, the success of the event might not be fully appreciated. Having now gone beyond a decade of Weekends, one might assume that the planning and preparation is simple; an old hat even. In truth, however, the success of the 2013 Annual Women’s Weekend was the result of efforts that began weeks, months and even years in advance.
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A God-given purpose. Many years ago, when Holiness Tabernacle was still a young church, the Lord birthed in Mother Vivian Pruitte the idea of having a special kind of women’s event. One can only imagine the vision that she saw concerning the Women’s Tea and Annual Day when she first began in the small church storefront location with only 20 ladies or so. But Mother Pruitte knew the purpose for this time of fellowship: to minister to the women of the church and reach out to women in the community – women who may not otherwise step inside of a church, but were in need of a Word from the Lord. And while she may not have fully understood the impact, the Lord had in mind the hundreds of women who would participate over the years and enjoy the blessing of her obedience to God.
Much prayer and fasting. When it comes to experiencing the powerful move of God, there are some things you just can’t escape. Who can number the prayers that pounded the doors of heaven on behalf of the Weekend, long before the first woman entered the sanctuary? Who can measure the plates turned down in sacrifice, entreating the Father to have His way during the time of fellowship? Indeed, it was these unseen activities – unseen to everyone but God – that played a critical role. Countless, unnamed prayer warriors plowed at that fallow ground so that God could use the Weekend for His glory.
A mind to rightly divide the Word of truth. Imagine seeking the face of God for a Word for His people. Yet that is just what Missionary Jane Cornick, first lady of Body of Believers Outreach Ministries COGIC did – and the result was a powerful, Spirit-filled message on the theme, “Continuing and Upholding the Legacy of True Holiness.”
“In order to maintain the legacy of true holiness, we have to be bold soldiers and proclaim true holiness!” declared Missionary Cornick to an attentive congregation. As the guest speaker during both the Tea and Annual Day service, Missionary Cornick gave the clarion call to live righteously before God and contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints.
Using the story of Elijah placing the mantle upon Elisha as her backdrop during the Tea, she encouraged the older women to put godly training into the younger.
“There are some young women who [still] want to live holy,” Missionary Cornick reminded the ladies.
She wasn’t the only one who shared a Word from the Lord. During the Sunday morning worship, Mother Pruitte told the church, “It’s a Different Foundation.”
“Our parents made us work for everything!” she exclaimed. “But in turn, we haven’t taught our own the same concept. We have raised an ungrateful generation… [one] not used to working.”
She went on to say that as a result, today’s generation desired the power of their spiritual forefathers, but without the discipline and work required to cultivate that same level of anointing in God.
“But all hope is not lost!” Mother Pruitte was quick to note. “God always has a remnant!”
Indeed, it is this remnant – those willing to live holy and continue that legacy passed down – that will stand as an example and a light to a fallen generation.
A dedicated team, committed to doing the work. These were the ones who worked tirelessly behind the scenes to make it all come together. These were the ones who developed programs, created fliers and collected monies. They made sure speakers had the information they needed and they pounded the pavement to follow up with vendors and collect giveaways. They woke up early to prepare a delicious buffet meal – delicacies to make any mouth water – and they transformed a church sanctuary into a marvelous, summer-time portrait of blues and greens. Best of all… they stuck around to help clean up and put things back in order! One hardly realizes the amount of work that goes into each piece of the puzzle because they appeared to work so effortlessly. Yet without this core group of women (and men), the Weekend plans would only be as good as the piece of paper it was written upon.
With this greater perspective, the 2013 Annual Women’s Weekend can be appreciated for what it truly was – the tangible evidence of God ordering the steps of those yielded to Him. One can’t assume or take for granted that the Lord will continue to meet the women of Holiness Tabernacle as He did on this year. But so long as they continue to obey His voice, work together in unity and uphold the standard of holiness, one can anticipate the Annual Women’s Weekend to reach higher levels of anointing and breakthrough in the years to come.