Are You Carrying a Spirit of Rejection? – July 2K14 WTLB

By Sister Delores Green


I knew as a young girl that my mission from God was to serve others, so I positioned myself with everything I did in my career to serve others. During my mission, I encountered quite a bit of rejection from family, close friends, strangers and co-workers. As I meet people daily, I have found that many people are hurting in this way. Children and adults alike are going through life rejecting each other. Rejection causes wounds, some small and some large. So we must ask, “Why does rejection wound us so deeply?” The answer is simple: because it attacks the very person that we are. It destroys our self-esteem and it attacks our purpose in life.

RejectionWhen I joined Holiness Tabernacle, I had deep wounds that no one could see but God. I had covered them up, not realizing that wounds that are not healed can make you act out in particular ways. My deep wounds were unforgiveness and escapism. I did not realize that I had not forgiven those that had rejected me from my past, and that I had built a wall around myself. I thought by just moving on my merry way I had forgiven. I thought that not letting people come into my life was okay. That is, until the enemy began to attack me with demonic memory recall! He would bring things to my mind and I would react at that moment.

The enemy enters into wounds that have not been healed. Once this happens, our fruits begin to rot. The infection starts to manifest into some of these things: suicide, depression, bullying, hatred, jealousy, adultery, murder, violence, back-biting, lying, stealing, a feeling of inferiority, self-affliction, schizophrenia, bitterness, stubbornness, defensiveness, negative competition, meanness, divorce, alcoholism, prescription drug abuse, sexual addiction, child abuse, physical abuse, verbal abuse, controlling issues and so much more.

Rejection means being denied love, and God is love. When we become a Christian, we should strive to have the fruits of God's Spirit (Gal. 5:22-23). When we reject someone, we have denied them love and that's like being in a desert with no water; it is hard to survive.

So how do you heal these deeply imbedded wounds? What helped me was I asked God to deliver me from people. I learned to see people as just lost and in need of a savior, just as I did. I have found Him and now He is healing me every day. God created us and God loves us no matter what. He gave His only begotten Son who died on the cross so that we may be saved. God has proven to us time and time again how much He loves us, no matter who rejects us! His love is greater than any love and He will never leave us nor forsake us. He will always be there to hold and nurture us. He can and will heal any wound if we allow Him to.

Ask God to reveal to you how these wounds are manifested in your life. Write them down. Then, forgive those who hurt you or those you have any ill feelings towards. Take these things to the Lord and ask for healing. Ask for forgiveness for carrying these spirits of the enemy within you. Ask Him to remove them, so that you can be free to love others as He loves us. Seek the Holy Ghost – He gives you power to withstand the devil. If you have a leak in your spirit, ask God to save you and fill you again. Keep fasting and praying daily to have the love of Christ. Try it. It works. Be set free so that we can change this dying world with the power of love.


  1. Lillian DeLardge

    I just read , “Are you carrying a Spirit of Rejection” by Sis. Delores Green. It was such a moving article. The world today is in a very destructive state: to ourselves, family members and society in general. We all need encouraging to seek and desire help from the Lord Jesus Christ. The article that was written by Sis. Green was truly in inspirational. Continue my Sister in HIS love and sharing it with others. Love, Sis. L. DeLardge

  2. Vivian Pruitte

    This is a powerful testimony of what God can do in our lives. I was very encouraged reading this. Thanks for opening up and sharing. It is beneficial for women to hear and know they are not alone, and that God can heal their hearts.

  3. sareatha majors

    Good stuff

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