Put Some Action Behind Our Words – August 2K14 WTLB

By Sister Phoebe Wheeler


I will believe it when I see it. Put your money where your mouth is.  Seeing is believing.  

Time For ActionI am sure we have all heard these sayings at some point in our lives. Years ago, a person’s word meant everything. Today, it is safe to say that times have surely changed. In society, we have a tendency to say things with our mouths and seldom, if ever, follow through. And to be sure, we have so many reasons as to why we didn’t accomplish what we initially set out to do.

Our word no longer means anything, and because of this, our word now has to be backed by something else. It is true – men will look at the outside and want you to support what you say by adding money to the equation.

There will come a time when we as Christians will also need to “put our money where our mouths are!”  We see it often. Promises are made through tear-stained eyes: “Lord I love you, I will live for you,” and we sincerely mean it at that moment. But, the next day we totally forget the promises we’ve made. It is also true in this instance that our words are not being supported by our actions. If we sincerely desire to move past being babes in Christ, if we truly want to experience all that God has in store for us and true freedom in Him, we must grow.

God is looking at the condition of our hearts. He hears what we say and truly knows that when we desire change we will do exactly what it takes to change. Let us not just say things with our mouths. Let’s strive to grow in Christ and put some action behind our words.